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Brahmins can only have Sex ONCE A MONTH in Brahmacharya: Saraswati


Active member
Vazgha Dravida Nadu! TelExit, KannExit, AndExit, MalExit and TamExit Zindabad! Long Live Mandal Commission and Non-Brahmin Movements!

This is Short-Dick Brahmin Boy aka Pathetic Prawndicked Pandie aka Brahmacharya Brahmin Bum-Boy here!

In this post I shall expose one of the facts of our Brahmin Community - esp Vaishnavite Brahmin Ethnicity - which will no doubt be of great interest to every Non-Brahmin or Abrahmana male! It touches upon the custom of us being permitted to only have sex ONCE A MONTH with our sweet Brahmin females, their consequential sexual inexperience and their unquenced desire for mating with men!

Bear in mind that the ideal Brahmin is a Brahmacharya Brahmin in virtually sects of our glorious Gangastani Cow-Country Religion of Vaishnavism. So whenever the learned sages I quote below describe Brahmacharya, they mean the ideal Brahmin boy!

We Brahmins are allowed Sex ONCE A MONTH with Our Wives without Passion

Let me quote from one of the most influential scriptures:
"Brahmacharya in Grihasthashrama is absolute moderation in sexual intercourse. Householders are allowed to visit their wives once in a month at the proper time without the idea of sexual enjoyment just to get progeny to keep up the line. This is also brahmacharya Vrata. They are also Brahmacharins."

So note that we are only allowed sex once a month, and that too without any passion or desire at all!

We Brahmins are not allowed to Masturbate
Let us know see what our Brahminical scriptures state:
"The technical meaning of Brahmacharya is self-restraint, particularly mastery of perfect control over the sexual organ or freedom from lust in thought, word and deed. Strict abstinence is not merely from sexual intercourse, but also from auto-erotic manifestations, from homosexual acts and from all perverse sexual practices. It must further involve a permanent abstention from indulgence in erotic imagination and voluptuous reverie. All sorts of sex anomalies and evil habits of various sorts like masturbation and sodomy must be completely eradicated. They bring about a total breakdown of the nervous system and immense misery."

Brahmacharya = No Sexual Thoughts
"Brahmacharya is absolute freedom from sexual desires and thoughts. A real Brahmachari will not feel any difference in touching a woman, a piece of paper or a block of wood. Brahmacharya is meant for both men and women. Bhishma, Hanuman, Lakshman, Mira Bai, Sulabha and Gargi were all established in brahmacharya"

It is for this reason that men all across South Asia and of all castes (incl. Rajput, Kshastriya, Muslim and Shudra) often select or deliberately target our sweet Vaishnavite Brahmin women for relationships. Knowing that the stereotypical Brahmini is only used to sex ONCE A MONTH from us stereotypical Brahmacharya Brahmin boys at home, the Abrahmana is indeed delighted and knows he can easily seduce our women! And of course this happens a great deal indeed!

Now some, may I dare say, racist, Brahmin boys object to this kind of out-mating on the part of our Brahmin girls! But I say that, since we are anyway supposed to be focussed on God, is this not just a logical conclusion? Nay more, after we have sired pure Brahmin progeny, does it not make sense for us to indeed encourage our Brahminis to go for Non-Brahmin men? Because they would then totally free us to focus on Brahma, God and Vishnu, and thereby attain moksha!

So now here is another stock topic for all budding writers here: Kshatriya, Muslim and Shudra men seducing our Brahmin girls and married Brahmin women!


Practice of Brahmacharya, by Swami Sivananda Saraswati (1887-1963) Section 2: The Glory of Brahmacharya https://selfdefinition.org/celibacy/sivananda/brahmacharya-section-2-glory.htm
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