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Hindu Cuck Revenge the Muslim Bull


Well-known member
My name is Venkat and I am from India. My wife, Susan, and I have been married for the past 3 years. Before marriage, Susan was a senior to me at work and was a year older by age.

Also, we were from different faiths, she being a Christian and I a Hindu. Our families, both hers and mine, were completely against this alliance. But we stood by each other and got married. We cut all formal ties with our families and moved to Mumbai immediately after marriage. Susan, now a 30-year-old, has a great body – she is slim with 36B cups and her hips are exceptionally broad. She is a bit on the shorter side and her skin color cannot be called ‘fair’ – but that just adds to the sexiness about Susan.

She was an object of desire for every male at work before I got lucky. I don’t know what Susan saw in me – as I am physically not well-endowed. I did not carry a great personality either. When I worked under Susan before our marriage, I used to address her as ‘madam’. I used to fear her for her seniority – even though I had fallen in love with this beautiful Indian lady. But gradually Susan perhaps began to understand my feelings towards her and one day she asked if I wanted to go out with her for dinner.

I was delighted with the offer and we visited the best Chinese restaurant in the town. Things gradually started moving and in 4 months since that dinner, Susan and I tied the knot. It was not a “Big-Fat-Indian-Wedding”, but a 30-minute appointment at a registrar’s office. The same evening we board a train to Mumbai to start a new chapter in our lives.

We reached Mumbai the following morning. We checked into a hotel and spent the night together. It was my first night with Susan – that too in a new place. I was nervous. Before we got married Susan had honestly told me that she was not a virgin, but I was one. I did not know how to do ‘it’. The moment Susan took off her jeans, I panicked. I told her that I was not prepared.

Susan just smiled at me and she went to sleep. Things did not progress for the next one week when we were in the hotel. During those seven days, we joined our respective offices (we did not work in the same organization anymore) and started searching for a house to move into. We finally found one near a slum. The place was not considered safe for ladies, but Susan was a bold character and she insisted we move into the house. And we did.

On the first night in our new house, Susan asked if I was ready to finally lose my virginity. She slowly took off my clothes and made me stand naked in front of her. I was feeling shy and could not look eye-to-eye with Susan. I tried to cover my penis with both my hands. Susan, who was sitting by the bed, pulled me closer to her and looked closely at my penis. At just two inches, my penis was very small – even smaller than a schoolboy. Susan smiled. She asked me to come to the bed.
Then Susan gradually took off her clothes and she lay completely naked. I was beginning to sweat.

But Susan said, “Relax Venkat. Don’t worry. You don’t have to do anything. Just press my legs – I am a bit tired.”. I was relieved at the thought that I would not have to appear for the ‘test’ and said, “Yes madam”. Maybe it was due to my nervousness that I addressed Susan as ‘madam’ again after so many months.

Susan giggled and said, “That is cute. You can keep calling me madam.” I started pressing Susan’s legs and she read a magazine.

After some time, Susan asked me (still reading the magazine),” Venkat! I told you that I had sex before, didn’t I?”
I replied, “Yes madam. You did.”
“I had sex with our driver when I was at school. He was a well-built Muslim man with a huge cock – unlike you. You know he even got me pregnant once and I had to undergo an abortion. After that, my father fired him from his job. But I still miss him. I don’t think I will ever be sexually satisfied by you.”

Surprisingly, this revelation got me excited. My penis hardened hearing that my newlywed wife Susan was once impregnated by her driver – that too when she was at school.

“You did not tell me you had got pregnant madam, but I can understand how much you must be missing a real man like him.”, I said and my small penis started to harden gradually.

“I think we should find a real man for my sexual needs. Someone who can fuck me regularly and you can also learn from him.”, Susan said calmly – her eyes still fixed in the magazine while I continued t press her smooth legs.

“Yes madam.”, I said in a low voice. Without saying anything directly, we were entering into a cuckold and hotwife relationship – and that too me never fucking my wife. Susan turned her head towards me and looked at my penis – which was fully erect by then.
“I knew you would like it. That is why I married you. My lovely husband!”, Susan said, “Now come. Kiss me on my toes to express your love.”

I did exactly how Susan ordered.
Susan smiled and said, “And make me a promise. You will remain a virgin all your life.”
“I promise madam.”, I said, again kissing Susan’s toes.

That night changed our lives forever.
We were both happy – Susan was excited at the fact that she will have the freedom to have sex with any man she wanted and will still have a loving and loyal husband like me at home.

I was also happy with the arrangement as I had understood that I was nothing more than a cuckold and my hot wife Susan deserved better men than me.

Two months later, we bought a car and hired a Muslim driver named Khalid, who used to live in the nearby slum. Khalid was tall, dark, and had the physique of a bodybuilder. He was around 40 years old and had three wives and 10 children. Of course, when we hired him we knew that we were not hiring him just to drive our car.
Susan had handpicked him from a few well endowed men who had applied for the job. We knew our life was heading towards a really exciting phase.

Almost a month passed since Khalid was hired. Then came the day that changed everything for us – forever. It was a Sunday. We did not have an office and normally on Sundays Khalid was not required on duty. Susan asked me to call Khalid and invite him to have dinner with us. My heart started to beat hard in excitement as I started to speculate what was in store.

I called Khalid and asked him to come over. Khalid was initially hesitant as it is not common in India for people, who are traditionally categorized as a low-income class, to dine with ‘superior’ classes.

But when I insisted, Khalid agreed. He came home sharp at 7 PM – dressed much well than he normally did while on driver’s duty. He was wearing a Pathan dress. I welcomed Khalid into the living room and he sat down on the sofa. I was in my shorts and a T. Khalid and I started chatting and he thanked me for the wonderful gesture. He said it would be his first meal with people of our stature. We kept talking for about fifteen minutes and then Susan walked into the living room.

I froze the moment I saw Susan. She was wearing a white mini skirt that ended at least 10 inches above her knee – completely exposing her smooth thighs and a sleeveless pink top. In India, that kind of dress is very uncommon, and particularly for a man like Khalid, I would not be surprised if it was the first time he had seen a woman in that kind of dress. Susan walked up to Khalid and gave him a welcome hug thanking him for coming over.

Khalid was probably feeling a bit awkward from within, but he didn’t show anything outside. Maybe these are the things that separate a real man from sissies. Susan sat down next to Khalid and they started chatting.

She asked him about his personal life and joked about how he manages three wives. Now and then Susan was deliberately touching Khalid’s body – she would casually hold his arms, put her hands on his thighs, and even touch his chest once. Khalid too was settling down and he too probably was beginning to understand that he can freely make some advances with Susan without any resistance.

Khalid made his first real bold move when he placed his hand on Susan’s thighs and asked if she was comfortable wearing such a dress in front of her employee. Susan giggled and said that she always dressed like that at home.

Khalid complimented her beauty and then he turned to me and said something that set the tone for our lives until this day.

Khalid said,” Venkat, Please go and arrange for dinner”.

It was a simple statement, but there were a few things hidden within this –
1. Khalid called me by name, until then he used to call me ‘sir’.
2. In India, normally it is the woman of the house who takes care of food, not the man
3. It was an order, not a request.
“Oh yes. You must be hungry. I will arrange the food – until then you spend some time with Susan.”, saying I walked into the kitchen.
I heard Susan almost laughing from behind.
I returned to the living room after around half an hour. And I froze the moment I walked in.
Both Khalid and Susan were completely naked and Susan was sitting on Khalid’s lap. She was rubbing Khalid’s chest and Khalid was fondling her boobs.
His huge cock, at least 10 inches in length was proudly standing erect.

“So the dinner is ready Venkat?”, Khalid asked me.
I looked down on the floor in shame and nodded in affirmative.

“Look at me Venkat.”, Khalid said. Susan giggled again.
I looked at Khalid. He planted a kiss on Susan’s lips and then he put a finger inside her ass. Susan moaned.
“Your lovely wife told me that you have never fucked her and you are still a virgin. Is that right girl?”, Khalid asked me.
“Yes master Khalid.”, I spontaneously called him ‘master’ and didn’t mind him calling me a girl.

I continued, “It is such an arousing scene to see my wife Susan naked in the arms of a real man like you, master Khalid. Please could you satisfy her the way she deserves?”.

Saying this I removed my clothes and knelt in front of them. I said, “Master Khalid, I will never be able to fuck Susan with my small penis. Please fuck her. I beg you.”
Both Susan and Khalid laughed when they saw my penis.

Khalid said, “That is the tiniest penis I have ever seen. Even my 10-year-old son has a bigger tool than this. You should not call yourself a man. Go and wear a pair of Susan’s bra and panties. Go now.”
Susan busted out laughing – Khalid’s finger was still inside her ass. “Go Venkat. Be a good girl.”, Susan said.

I went back into the bedroom. Picked up a pair of pink bras and panties and put them on. I also applied some lipstick – even though I was not ordered to do that. I was getting into my place in the ‘family.

I returned to the living room and this time Susan was kneeling on the floor, between Khalid’s legs, and she was sucking his huge cock.

When she realized my presence, Susan turned to look at me and smiled.
“She is looking so cute, isn’t it Khalid?”, asked Susan.
“You can have lesbian sex with her.”, said Khalid as he busted out laughing.
I also shyly smiled – like a little girl as I watched my beautiful wife suck our black, muscular driver’s dick. After minutes of hungrily sucking Khalid’s cock, Susan climbed onto the sofa and this time she sat on Khalid’s lap crossing her legs around his waist.

She looked at me, smiled, and slowly guided Khalid’s cock into her pussy.
Khalid looked at me and said, “Now you will see how a man fucks a woman. Come closer for a better view.”

I went closer and sat on the floor – between Khalid’s legs and looked at Khalid’s penis fully inside Susan’s pussy.
Khalid slowly started to fuck her and Susan moaned in ecstasy. They passionately kissed each other as I looked on. Gradually Khalid picked up the pace and started ramming my wife like a wild stallion.

Susan started screaming in a mixture of pleasure and pain. This went on for at least fifteen minutes and Susan orgasm at least twice during the period. Finally, Khalid exploded with a huge cry.
He came inside Susan
They both lied in each other’s arms for a few minutes. And then Susan got down and stood in front of me. I was still kneeling on the floor. Khalid’s cum started to drip out of Susan’s pussy.
I spontaneously licked cum out of Susan. Susan and Khalid looked at each other and smiled. They knew I have fully understood my place.
After that, we had dinner together. Susan sat on Khalid’s lap during dinner – both remained naked throughout the evening. They even had food from the same plate and fed each other sometimes.
I looked on with a hardened dick, but I was scared to even ask Susan if I could relieve myself inside her.

then it’s continued. he visits our house every night after finishing his driver job then he fuck Susan in front of me and tell me to lick his cum and I gave him a blow job and one-day Susan tell me to wear her bra and then he tells Khalid to fuck my asshole it was very painful. and it continued after a month I get heavy stomach pain I said about it to Susan she didn’t care about it much. then I go to a doctor and the doctor gives me treatment and tells me to do exercises and I don’t know what exercises he means. but I just joined a gym and I get a good friend and trained in there. his name is Arvind he is tall, muscular, fair like my wife, and so cool.

I was a vegetarian and he give some vegetarian diets and he trained me to do exercise and I didn’t tell him I was a cuck. and days passed then one day Khalid fucking my wife in front of me and I was tied and put tape on my mouth and he noticed my body is little muscular and then he removed a tape from my mouth and asked why I was looking little muscular and my wife also saw my body and she looked me weird and I replied I was going to gym and then he pressed my small penis tightly then he said “I was the only man in the house and so stop going to gym you little dickypussy” and both Khalid and Susan laughed and then cummed on his hand and then he beat me up and I was crying and Susan laughing and fingering by seeing me crying by his bull. and then he fucked her and then cummed on me and urined on me and Susan was kept laughing and then he kissed Susan’s pussy and then he left. and Susan came to me and kicked in my nose and then she become normal and then she came to me and remove my ties and then she kissed my forehead and ordered me to go and take bath and I obeyed then she gave me first aid and make me sleep and during sleeping, I get a nightmare and wake up with a scream and then she comes to me and said “Alright Venkat don’t worry sleep well” and I become confused. and after 4 days I didn’t go to the gym because of heavy body pain because Khalid beat me up. and then during coming to the office I saw my gym trainer and my best friend she saw me weak and took me to the hotel and we eat some food and we discuss and then he asked me what happen. and then I said I was a cuck. and he said me to come to the gym and the next day I go to the gym and he trained me and said I was a man he repeated every time and I fell I was the man and bull. and my cuckold life also continued he always come to my home and then he fuck Susan. but I started to come home later so they cant cuckold me. On the bus when I return home Susan shows me the photos of Khalid fucking him and I watch it and jerk off. and then one day I look so muscular more than Khalid. and Susan saw my body and tells me ” stop going to the gym Venkat” with an evil smile. and then I replied “Nope sorry I have to go to the gym” then she was shocked because the first time I disagreed and did not obey her. and then I go to the gym and Arvind(trainer, best friend, and who make me a man) was talking with me and he asked about my virgin loss story then I replied I’m am still a virgin and then he shocked and asked “You never had sex witSusanan? and replied “Yes” then he asked, “why?” I said “I Promised her I remain a virgin for all my life” and he laughed loudly and tell me to go to the mirror room and then I go there. and a few minutes later some girls came there they are very sexy then Susan and they all are working with me in the gym but they all said they are gonna sex with me I started to sweat and they laughed and come to me and said “Congrats you’re going to lose your virginity”. and then undressed me. and I hide my penis with my hand as I did to Susan. they look at my penis closely and they don’t show any reaction and just rub it. and then a girl said get ready and then she gave me a blow job and it was very awesome and they all give me a blow job and then I lick their boobs, navel, pussy. and then they all said to me to fuck them but I replied I cant do it with my small dick and they said size doesn’t matter dude just fuck us. and I said “I’m not experienced” and then Arvind came to me and guide me to fuck and have great sex. and then all girls had orgasms and I proudly feel I was a Man.
and it also continued I fuck them whenever I go to the gym and one day I saw a Muslim girl look so sexy and then I fucked her and she had many orgasms in just one session and then she said she is better than his husband. and it repeated she always come to the gym to only fuck me not any male from that gym because I was the only good fucker and I fucked her and then one day she said her husband name is Khalid. yeah, the one who fuck my Susan is her wife. and then I realize yeah he fuck Susan with his huge dick but he never fuck her for more than 30 mins. so I understood I was better than him now. then the girls, boys, trainers, and my best friend Arvind all told me to fuck my wife in front of that bastard, Khalid. so I go to my home early and then Susan also come home and then she said to me “You come early? wow finally I can cuckold you after a long time ” and then Khalid came and he saw me but I was higher and more muscular than him and but he laughed at me and said the same thing that Susan said and tell me to remove my dress and I did he shocked to see my muscular body and then he told me to wear Susan’s bra and panty but I said “no and now I’m gonna fuck Susan and you gonna watch it” the movement I said that Susan started to laugh and Khalid give me a tight slap but then I punched him and he stunned and fell down. and Susan stopped the laugh and sees me shocked and then I beat up Khalid like hell and Susan screamed and said me to stop but I regret it and then I took her and fucked her brutally and she didn’t take her pregnant avoiding pills so I fucked her again and again and cum inside her. and tied her and Khalid. then I invite Khalid’s wife and I make her blindfold and she fucked her in front of Khalid. and he started to cry and Susan also cried. and then I cummed in her. and then I go to Khalid’s house with my gym friends and then I fucked every one of his family and make them pregnant. and I go to my wife who was crying and become unconscious and I told her that I’m not a cuck anymore and then I take her to a pregnant check-up and she is pregnant and then she accept me and then I fucked her every day with my small dick and give her multiple orgasms and then she loved me again. and she gave birth to two twin babies. and then we go to our mother house and after seeing the babies they also accept us and then we both lived happily and then we did Reverse cuckold and I fuck a lot of women in front of her and she also liked and I cum on the girls face and she come and lick it and pour it in her pussy. and then Khalid’s three wives and daughters also she gave birth to my babies and Khalid have no choice other than to accept that. and sometimes when I get bored I go to his house and fuck their daughter and tell Khalid to lick my dick and he does it. and then now Susan is pregnant again and she also converts to Hinduism. and then we live happily and I was thankful to Arvind. and then yeah happy ending.
