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Mom Unexpected Journey Changed Her Life


Well-known member
My name is raj and I am 18 years old. I am from bangalore. This is the story of my Mother, Parvati , who is 46 years old now. The story dates 4 years back. My mother was born in West Bengal. She came to Bangalore University for her doctorate in Ancient ***** Philosophy when she was 23. Here she fell in love with her advisor, a brilliant intellect and Indologist, Mahesh . They married within 6 months, she was 24 and he was 36 already. I was born 4 years later when she was 28. She completed her doctorate and joined the bangalore University as faculty in the same department as my father. We lived in near area of Bangalore, very near to Bangalore University. We had a two storied house, with a courtyard and road in front and back of the house. The upper part of the house had independent rooms and kitchen but somehow we never rented it and it was vacant. On the ground floor was my parent’s bedroom, my room beside it, common living cum dining room and kitchen. I had an attic at the top part of my room which was meant to put stuff, but is was largely empty with some of my old books lying there. There were 3 small windows in the attic which opened into my parent’s bedroom, the attached bathroom in their bedroom and the living room, through which I could clearly see all the living room as well as the kitchen.

My mother was a very beautiful woman, a typical Bengali beauty. She was not very fair, not dusky either, in between. But her face had sharp features, big eyes in which she always used to wear mascara. A nose ring and the big bindi on her forehead added to her appeal. She was slightly plump, very curvy. She had fuller body, but the flesh on her body was in proper proportions. She had a slightly bulging belly, but without any folds. Her tall frame at 5’6” made her look like a model. She had a long hair which reached half her back, and which she used to tie in the form of a bun. Earlier, as I had seen in albums, she used to wear Sarees, typical Bengali style, sleeveless, low cut and almost backless. But now she used to wear churidaars. But the tight figure hugging churidaars and kameez with small sleeves looked good on her too. She was kind of woman you would be forced to look at again and again if you saw her once, she could turn glances if she moved in a marketplace. I started exploring about sex when I was 12. I used to watch porn on the internet. Then I developed the habit of watching the activities of my parents through the attic window. Their sex life was dismal. They rarely had sex, father was already in 50s. And whenever they had sex it would be over in 3-4 minutes. My mother barely used to respond to such sessions, she would just lay there motionless. Sometimes, she would later finger herself later on. I used to feel guilty when I used to see them. So lately I avoided. Things changed when I was 14. My Father got an offer from Chicago University for research for 4 years in the US. My mother was not willing to go as my studies would have been affected and asked father to rethink. But he was more than willing to go. Mother didn’t force him much. Anyway things were not well with them. So they decided to stay away from each other for a while. Just about a week before my father was to leave, he received a call from his collage time junior . His name was Kaleem Mujahid . He was transferred to Bangalore University. My father invited him to our home lunch.

He was a tall guy, around 6′. He had trimmed beard but no moustache. He also wore a typical muslim skullcap. From the looks, he looked like a
*****. I came to know he was a scholar in _- Philosophy and was in the same department as my father and mother. He had lost his wife very early and had not married since then. He was single since then. He was very soft spoken. He was witty too and was very good at shayari. He could charm anyone with his sweet talk. My father invited him to stay with us for some days till he found his own accommodation. He agreed. Next day my mother left to temple for Durga Puja. She was to come a week later. Father was to leave within 5 days. Mujahid shifted to our home and occupied the top floor. As I was unpacking, I saw he had brought his exercising stuff as well, dumbbells etc. He told me he was very particular about his physique. I could see that. He was wearing only vest and trousers when we were unpacking. He had very tight muscles; his chest was very wide, and hairy. He was very hairy, even his shoulders had considerable hair. He was a good cook too. Sice the time my mother left, he used to cook. I had developed a good rapport with him. He used to help me in my homework as well. My mother arrived two days later from Dushehra, and the day my father left. Parvati and Mujahid were formal with each other. As he was already cooking for me, and I praised his cooking too, Mother readily agreed when Mujahid offered to help her in the kitchen. They also used to go and return from University together in Mother’s car. Soon they were spending most of their time together. A couple of days later, I was studying in my room and they were chatting in living room. I came out to fetch water, when I saw them watching our old family photo albums together. Mother was telling her about our photos. I overheard a comment from Mujahid praising her that she looked good in the saree. He even told her couple of shers praising her beauty. I noticed her reaction. She was blushing. It was a lot time after she was getting such romantic attention from a man. I didn’t care much about it though. Next day to my surprise, after coming back home she changed into a saree. I remembered Mujahid praising her looks in Saree the day before. It was from her old wardrobe. The saree fit her slender frame very well. But what was exciting was, the short sleeved exposed her smooth fair arms. And a large part of her midriff was exposed. Her back was almost visible completely, even from the front, the transparent saree hid a little and showed her tummy and navel. And she had kept her hair loose which was also unusual. When Mujahid came down to help her, he again praised her for her looks. I somehow liked the two of them getting together well

A couple of days later, I was studying in my room. My door was closed. I heard the sound of Mujahid entering our house to help in kitchen. I didn’t bother as it was everyday affair now. Within 4 days, he had built a very good understanding with my Mother. Around 20 minutes later, my door opened by itself due to wind draft. As I got up from my chair to close it, I saw Parvati and Mujahid standing together, preparing food. They had their backs towards me, They were standing very close together, his right arm was almost touching the smooth left arm of my mother. Just as I was going to close the door, I got a shock. Mujahid put his arm on Parvati’s back. He put his hand on her exposed fleshy back. I closed the door, but started watching from the keyhole from where they were clearly visible. Mujahid then caressed Parvati’s exposed back with his hand and took some of her flesh in between his forefinger and thumb. He continued to caress her for next 20-30 seconds. Then with some force he turned Parvati towards him. Both stood facing each other, looking deeply into each other’s eyes. My Mother then threw a glance towards my room. Convinced that my room was closed, she raised her feet and kissed Mujahid full on lips. It was a gentle peck on his lips. They again looked into each other’s eyes. This time Mujahid bent forward and took her lips in his mouth. This time it was a little longer. After breaking their kiss they again looked into each other’s eyes. My mother than touched her forehead with his, and a little later bent her face a little forward and kissed his lips 3 times back to back. Then they separated and became engaged in cooking again. I continued watching. They didn’t kiss thereafter. Probably they were worried about my presence. But Mujahid once put his hand on Parvati’s ass globes tightly draped in Saree. She swayed her buttock, slowly and seductively and smiled. About an hour later they called me for dinner. After dinner I quickly left to my room to pry on them from the keyhole. But they simply chatted and nothing happened. Mujahid left and Parvati went to her room to sleep.

When I lay in the bed during night, the whole incident revolved before my eyes. I couldn’t sleep. The image of Mujahid’s hand caressing the bare back and ass of my mother Parvati, and the way she raised herself on her feet, to kiss Mujahid, came before my eyes again and again. Surprisingly I was super excited from this effort, rather then feeling enraged. The prospect of her cheating on her husband and a love affair between my hindu sanskari Mother, Parvati and a devout Muslim man, Mujahid titillated me oddly. The next whole day in school I imagined whether Parvati and Mujahid kiss each other while being in office or in car or elsewhere. I don’t know why, when I came home from school I decided to pry in Mujahid’s room. I didn’t find much. Then I opened his laptop and searched for pics and videos. To my surprise he had a large collection of porn. I opened it. It was full of amateur porn. They were all shot by a camera and it was Mujahid’s own sex sessions with 3 different women. There was more than 150GB of data with more than 1000 files. These files were stored under three file folders: Gauri Basu, Radhika Sharma and Parthvi Kamath. I quickly transferred all the stuff to my laptop. In the evening we had our dinner and unlike yesterday nothing like kissing or caressing happened between Parvati and Mujahid. In the night I was watching the videos and masturbated. Mujahid was a great lover. He fucked the three women to their delight. One thing I noticed that all three women were hindu. I thought Mujahid has a fetish for hindu women. I had masturbated twice already when I opened the third folder Parthvi Kamath. I accidently read Parvati Kamath. Immediately a chill ran down my spine. I imagined Parvati and Mujahid together. I opened one of the video and imagined Parvati in the video instead of Parthvi. This time I had a greater erection. Within 5 minutes I ejaculated and it was more intense than my earlier two ejections. Ah! The mere thought of my hindu Mother, Parvati , making love to a muslim Man, Kaleem Mujahid, excited me a great deal. I was sure Mujahid had already seduced Parvati and soon he would lay his hands on her. I hoped it may happen soon. I didn’t knew then that it was to happen the very next day. I didn’t know when I slept.
Next day I want to watch video of Karva Chauth, the day hindu sanskari women fast for her husband.soon my mom and Mujahid were late to arrive today. When they arrived I noticed Mom had got a fresh coat of Mehndi on her hands. They had brought some stuff like bangles too. I didn’t see it as odd as it was normal, she did this every year. In the evening I ate alone. Mom said she will not eat tonight. Mujahid too ate little and excused himself soon. He left early and didn’t talk much like usual. I was not able to comprehend their odd behavior. Anyway in the night; mother slept early around 10. I masturbated once again, this time watching the fucking of Gauri and Mujahid, but like yesterday I imagined Parvati and Mujahid. It was around 11 when I heard noises from adjacent room. I went to attic and noticed, mother had just come out of the bathroom and was dressing herself up. She opened up her closet and took out her wedding saree as I had seen in her album. Then she dressed up and applied some light make-up. She wore bangles afterwards. These bangles I noticed were different from the one she used to wear earlier. These were bridal bangles, worn by newlywed brides. She wore anklets as well which she had never done earlier. Her Mangalsutra laid prominently in between her breasts. She looked like a newlywed hindu bride. She paced gently in her room. I was not able to comprehend what she was doing.

Couple of minutes later there was very gentle knock on the rear door of her bedroom. She opened it at once. Mujahid entered. I now knew I’m in for a treat, what was only my imagination to see my hindu sanskari Mother Parvati to make love to a Muslim man, was going to be a reality right in front of my eyes.
Mujahid was dressed in a Back Pathani Kurta Pyjama and a skullcap. He had a small bag with him. He put it in the table near bed. Immediately he went towards Parvati who embraced him in her arms and they were engaged in a lip lock. They separated after couple of smooches.

Mujahid, “Let’s eat first”

Parvati, “Yes, I’m starving”

Mujahid opened his bag and took out stuff. He put some stuff on the small table and chair on the opposite of bed. Mother went towards closet and took out some cutlery and utensils. Mujahid then took a Whisky bottle from the bag and put it. OMG he was going to drink and then fuck. Seeing the whisky bottle,
Parvati took out two glasses. Two! She was going to drink too, I was like jumping.
Mujahid, “You know I cook better beef, but it is difficult to get raw meat. These restaurateurs can’t cook. Beef need to be cooked for a long time on low intensity flame, but they do it fast to serve customers faster.”

Parvati, “This is the first time I’m going to eat non-veg. I have consumed fish but we consider it vegetarian.”
Mujahid, “Oh you would love it”
The gently kissed and sat down to eat.
Mujahid poured whisky and both took a sip each and said, “Cheers to our new Beginning” and started to eat.
Parvati, “Ooummm, it is delicious, never knew beef could be so tasty.”
Mujahid, “I knew you would like it.”
What was shocking was that my hindu sanskari Mother, Parvati, broke her fast of Karva Chauth not by drinking water and eating rice but by drinking whisky and eating beef in the company of a Muslim man, Kaleem Mujahid
who was not her husband. She was licking her fingers after eating beef. But more shocks were to come, when she talked dirty with Mujahid:
Parvati, “This beef is tasty, now I’ll taste some delicious cock as well and then drink the butter that will come out of it” and winked at Mujahid.
Parvati licked her lips with her tongue in a seductive manner when she said this. I was amazed at her sluttiness.
Mujahid finished his dinner and went towards bathroom to clean. After coming out he took out his digital camera from the bag and started adjusting it.
He was going to film and record everything as he did in his previous affairs, but apparently Parvati had no objection to it.
After sometime Parvati too finished and cleaned her hands. Mujahid had in the meantime poured two more glasses of whisky. Both drank together and gulped it fast

Mujahid and Parvati were standing beside the bed. And then Parvati approached him.
Mujahid took Parvati in his strong arms and lifted her.
Parvati wrapped her arms around his back, pushed her face forward and kissed Mujahid full on lips. It was a passionate lip lock. Both were eating and chewing each other lips.
It was a great sight to see my hindu Sanskari Mother, Parvati, dressed as a bride in the arms of a bearded Muslim Man, Kaleem Mujahid and kissing him ardently. Mujahid put her down and she stood on her toes, without breaking her lip lock. Her hands were travelling up and down on Mujahid’s back while Mujahid’s one had was pressing her ass, and other was mauling the exposed flesh of her back. Now they were playing with each other’s tongues.
I remembered when father used to kiss her, she would turn her face away. But now she was kissing her Muslim lover with full vigour. Soon she inserted her hands inside Mujahid’s Kurta and caressed his back.
Mujahid was caressing her ass with greater force.
Parvati lifted the Kurta of Mujahid, he raised his arms to help her remove his Kurta. His very hairy chest was in front of Parvati.
She immediately bent forward, licked his hairy chest with her tongue and kissed his nipple.
Mujahid put his hand on the back of her head and forced it on his body.
She was taking his nipple in between her lips. I noticed a huge bulge in Mujahid’s pyjama.
He put his other hand on Parvati’s ass and pulled it towards him and thrust her Pelvis area on his boner.
Parvati swayed her ass to feel the hardness of his boner on her cunt.
Mujahid then tried to remove her pallu.

Parvati separated from him.
She took out her saree from her petticoat and threw it on the floor, above Mujahid’s Kurta.
She was looking seductively into Mujahid’s eyes when she was removing her saree and licked her lips once with her tongue. Immediately afterwards their kiss started again.
Mujahid’s hand were now moving up and down on her back, caressing it, pressing the ass globes, and pulling her fleshy midriff in his fingers.
Parvati’s one hand was on his back and other was caressing his bulge over his pyjama. This continued for sometime. Mujahid then opened the sting of his pyjama and it fell down. He stepped out of it. Now he was left in a small V shaped Jocks, that had huge tent like bulge due to his boner.
Parvati again grabbed it with her hand and their hot smooch continued.
Mujahid was now pressing the breasts of Parvati in his strong hands and Parvati was moaning. She clasped her arms tightly around his back and pressed her pelvis against his bulge to feel its hardness.
Mujahid took out his cock from his jocks and took one arm of Parvati in his hand and directed it towards his cock.
Mom grabbed it and started massaging all the while continuing to kiss.
My hindu Sanskari Mother, Parvati was clasping the Circumcised cock of a Muslim Man Kaleem Mujahid in her Mehendi clad hands while kissing his passionately.
10 minutes had passed.

Mujahid then picked up the cam and sat down on the bed, spreading his legs wide.

Parvati understood, she sat on the floor in front of him on her knees and pulled his jocks.

Mujahid lifted his ass and allowed Parvati to remove his underwear.

His 9” Circumcised erection was free and Parvati immediately took 9” Circumcised cock in her hands.
After caressing it with her hands she bent forward and licked it complete length with her tongue.

Mujahid tried to open her blouse hooks. Mom stopped and opened her blouse hooks for him. Mom removed her black bra too and she was topless now.

Mom wasted no time to take the Circumcised cock in her mouth again. She was relishing it. She would take the balls in her mouth.

Mom would rub Mujahid’s Circumcised cock on her eyes, forehead, cheeks, nose all over her face.

Mujahid held her one breast in his one hand, the other was holding the camera with which he was recording the hot blowjob he was getting from Parvati.

Parvati then stopped a bit and rubbed the red tip of Mujahid’s Circumcised cock on her erect nipples. After rubbing she again went on to licking. Her hair was felling forward.

Mom stopped and lifted her arms to tie it in the form of bun. I liked her clean armpits, her stretched breasts and the Mangalsutra in between. She again started licking, She was licking with great pace now,

I could even faintly hear the slurping sound as well as the clinking sound of her bangles.

After a little while, she stopped. Mujahid’s 9” Circumcised cock glowed in Parvati’s saliva.

Parvati was heaving from vigorously ribbing her luscious lips on Mujahid’s cock. Mom then bent forward and took Mujahid’s cock in between her breasts.

Mom was giving him a boob-job, which I had seen happening only in porn movies. Mujahid continued to press her breast. Her Mangalsutra was resting sideways on her breast just above Mujahid’s hand.

Mujahid while rubbing her breasts noticed her Mangalsutra. He held it in his hand and tried to bring it towards his Cock, which was in between Parvati’s breasts.

Parvati understood. She stopped and adjusted her Mangalsutra right in between her breasts. Then she bent forward her torso, and took the Circumcised cock of Mujahid in between her breasts again. OMG, my hindu Sanskari Mother,

Parvati , was the circumcised cock of a Muslim Man,

Kaleem, on her Mangalsutra in between her breasts. The Circumcised cock touching her Mangalsutra excited me a lot.

After giving him a boob job for some 5 minutes,

she again took his cock in her mouth. She was rubbing it vigorously with her hands, her head moved at a fast pace,

Mujahid too was lifting his pelvis a bit to allow its greater penetration into her mouth. Seeing the sight of my half naked topless hindu Sanskari Mother, Parvati,

My mom kneeling before a Muslim Man, Mujahid and giving him a tight blowjob made me to rub my cock vigorously too.

Mujahid, “I am about to come.”

Parvati stopped rubbing her lips on his cock and instead increased the pace of her hand. And then Mujahid ejaculated.

The first blob fell on her forehead, just where she had put vermilion, and on her huge bindi.

When the first bob was ejaculated, Parvati directed Mujahid’s Circumcised Cock towards her Mangalsutra.

The second third and fourth blobs fell right on her Mangalsutra.

After it finished ejaculating, Parvati rubbed his semen drenched Circumcised cock on the erect nipples of both her breasts one by one.

Parvati licked Mujahid’s semen drenched Circumcised Cock dry with her tongue. Parvati’s face still had the blob of semen on her forehead and maang.
Mujahid took his right thumb and rubbed his semen over her vermilion.

Hindu husband applies vermilion on his wife’s maang, here Mujahid applied his semen on a Hindu sanskari woman’s maang.
He rubbed his hand on his cock to remove any semen left, spit on his hand and rubbed it on the semen that was lying on Parvati’s forehead. It was a sight I couldn’t resist,

My hindu Sanskari Mother, Parvati , had her maag filled by the semen from the Circumcised Cock of a Muslim Man, Kaleem Mujahid while her face shown in the saliva and semen of Mujahid.

My hindu Sanskari Mother , Parvati’s Mangalsutra was completely drenched in the semen from the Circumcised cock of a Muslim man Mujahid.
I never imagined Parvati was so passionate. I could never imagine she could cheat. But what was greatest shock was that My hindu Sanskari Mother, Parvati , cheated on her husband, on the day of Karva Chauth, with a Muslim Man,

Kaleem , ate beef, drank whisky with him, rubbed her Mangalsutra on his Circumcised Cock, covered it with his semen. And that Muslim man Mujahid made the hindu sanskari woman Parvati his slave by applying his semen in her Maang.

In just 6 days Mujahid had won over my conservative hindu Mother, Parvati and the vigor with which she sucked Mujahid’s 9” Circumcised cock, made me realize this is just the beginning of her enslavement to Mujahid’s Circumcised Cock.

I too ejaculated at the site that was in front of me and the thoughts that were going in my mind

Mujahid lay on bed, his legs still stretched and lying on the ground.

He then got up and went towards the table and made two more pegs for both of them. Both of them sat on the sofa and drank together.

They were chatting.

Mujahid had spread his legs wide and his cock was lying flaccid on one side.

Parvati was easily gulping her whisky. She then lifted her leg and rubbed her feet on Mujahid’s coke. Both smiled.
After finishing their 3rd drink together,

Mujahid got up and lay down on bed, his back propped up against the wall and his legs spread wide.

Parvati was standing beside the bed and adjusting her hair. She was clad only in a red petticoat, her bangles and Mangalsutra.

The bindi on her forehead, that was made from vermilion too, was spread across her forehead and it was mixed with Mujahid’s semen.

She sat on bed and moved towards left side of Mujahid, she put her hear in between Mujahid’s shoulder and head and licked his neck.

Parvati’s hand was caressing Mujahid’s chest and tummy. She was moving her left hand from his chest right upto his cock. Little after, Parvati came down and started licking Mujahid’s hairy chest.

Mom would take Mujahid’s nipples and adjoining hair into her mouth. She even spit once on Mujahid’s nipples and licked her saliva back with her tongue.

Mujahid was all this while caressing her back or pinching her nipples. Parvati had made Mujahid’s chest wet with her saliva.

Parvati lifted her face and kissed Mujahid full on lips. It was strange excitement for me,

My hindu Sanskari Mother, Parvati was lying on the bed clad only in a petticoat with a fully naked Muslim man, Mujahid, in her own bedroom

where mom used to sleep with her husband.

Mujahid turned mom's end and made her recline on his chest.
Mom's head was lying between his chest and face.

Mujahid put both his hands on mom's breasts and started caressing them. Soon he became a bit rough and began kneading her breasts in his strong hands.

Mujahid would take mom's nipples in between his forefinger and thumb and press them hard and then pull them.

Mom would moan loudly whenever he did that. She was pinching her lips in between her teeth.

Mujahid then moved his hand in her petticoat and began to rub her pussy. Mom was hissing now.

Mujahid had excited her to new levels. She herself opened the string of her petticoat and moved it a bit downward to give free access to Mujahid’s hand.

Mom turned her head, took out her tongue and licked Mujahid’s lips with her tongue. Mujahid took her tongue in his mouth.

Mom lifted her left arm and put her left hand Mujahid’s head and pushed it more towards her face. It was beautiful.

Mujahid’s one hand inside mom’s Petticoat, other hand was busy pinching her nipples.

Mom one hand was on Mujahid’s head, clenching his hair tightly and pulling it more towards her mouth while other hand was on Mujahid’s other hand pressing it more towards her cunt.

And her face was turned towards Mujahid and they were involved in a passionate kiss, sucking each other’s lips like a lollypop.

The sight of My hindu Sanskari Mother, mom in such a state of lovemaking with a Muslim man Mujahid was such that I could jerk of a million times looking at it.

Mujahid was really hitting it off with her pussy.

Mom's was really moaning loudly now.

After some time Mujahid stopped fingering mom's cunt and broke off their kiss.

He moved downward on her, kissing her breasts and her navel on the way.

He then removed the petticoat that was almost down to her knees already.

Mom lifted her ass a bit, as a sign for Mujahid to get rid of her black panties as well. Mujahid obliged.

For the first time My hindu Sanskari Mother, Parvati was completely naked in the presence of her Muslim lover Mujahid.

Mujahid spread her legs wide and began to lick mom’s clean shaven cunt. It licked it wet with his tongue. Later he inserted two fingers in her cunt as well.

Mom's both hands were on Mujahid’s head, pushing his face further into her cunt. She was lifting her pelvis, in order to allow Mujahid’s tongue to reach deeper down inside her.

Mom was literally writhing in sweet agony of lovemaking. It was a contrast when Mahesh used to fuck mom, it would be over in 3-4 minutes.

Mujahid was in a different league. Perhaps mom was never loved in this manner before.

A virile Muslim Man Kaleem Mujahid had transferred a Hindu Brahmin Woman, Parvati, into sexual heaven.

Mujahid was fingering her cunt at a great pace; in between he would take her clitoris into her fingers and press it gently.

Mom would jump on such occasions, Mujahid’s licking with tongue continued non stop. Finally mom collapsed with a great moan.

Mom ejaculated on Mujahid’s mouth. Mujahid’s lips were wet with mom's squirt.

Mom lay motionless. Mujahid went up, kissed mom full on lips and lay beside her caressing her body gently.

I couldn’t control myself to see my Hindu Brahmin Mother, mom,lying exhausted beside her naked Muslim Lover,

Mujahid, on the same bed on which mom used to sleep with my dad

Mom lay there totally tired and spent her whole body was red and Mujahid went to sleep putting off the light

I went back in my room and masturbated for the first time in my life.

Next day when I woke up mom was sleeping in her room quietly

I woke mom up as I had to go to school she could hardly walk she was struggling

when I asked mom "what happened"

Mom replied "she is sick that’s it" but I knew everything and did not ask anything to mom

The next week ,it was usual business for everybody Mujahid and mom got class ,

Mujahid got very busy in class ,and he said he will get promotion as soon as possible
One day mujahid went early and said that he is going for shopping,

It so happened that mom got a phone call in Saturday that there was an issue in university. She had to go and see for herself.

Apparently someone had started a fight. She called me around 10 saying that she will leave soon.

Around 11 I called her again but she didn't answer.

Her phone was on silent mode as I checked in truecaller.

She had also shared her whatsapp location with me so I could check where she was.

The app was showing her at the our house only. I didn't understand.

If she was here then why was the phone off? and why was she not home? Or she forgot phone her room

I decided to check for myself. I gone check her room there phone is Missing so mom only have phone

I started from the ground floor and checked the entire building but no sign of her.

Suddenly I saw mom scooty was parked there.

I didn't know what was going on at all. I went to the terrace and the door was locked.

I noticed something peculiar. The door had an inbuilt lock.

The lock was not dusty like the rest of the door. It had been opened recently.

It was strange since there was nothing on the terrace except one store room and the door was always locked.

All rooms keys in our house ,we have double keys join with main door key , so gone search main door keys

I got main door keys,I went back to the first floor . I quietly took the keys from him and went upstairs.

I unlocked the door and got the shock of my life

Mom and mujahid were there! Inside the store room! Because
Mom never lied me,she was turn changed completely ,

surprisingly They never saw me , they both in another world I think ,

I locked room and hide opposite of them it's very dark
I sat there watch hole things

There was a folding bed placed there. Mom’s saree was on the floor and mujahid's trousers were too. Both were kissing passionately.

Soon all their clothes came off. Mom took his cut Muslim cock in her hands and started playing with it.

She licked it, sucked it and deep throated it. Mujahid was enjoying the pleasure.

Then mom and his had a passion filled smooch and hug which showed how hungry they were for each other physically.

My cock was in full attention and I was enjoying the show.

I wanted to join but was scared they might stop so I sat down silently and started watching them secretly.

I'm not feeling even a little shame or regret in watching my mom suck another mans cock and that too a muslims.

I am very open minded and have always thought of sex as fun and pleasure activity.

There was nothing wrong at all if my mom was having some fun with another man especially since dad was away.

Infact I liked her choice of a Muslim man because muslim cocks don't have foreskin and a longer and thicker than other cocks.

She knew a quality meat well.

Mujahid then sucked her juicy melons like a hungry child and mom moaned.

Her voice was loud but I guess she was confident that no one would hear them or maybe she was just lost in pleasure and ecstacy.

Then I noticed something, it had started to rain. I saw outside and started watching again.

The rain drops were loud giving perfect cover to moms dark escapades.

I heard mom said– ” Suck my boobs, take my baby, suck your darling's milk"

Mujahid was still sucking them like a baby. Her hands were in his hair.

After sometime mujahid said something to her quietly which I could not hear.

She smiled and kissed him. They both stood up. I got scared and hid myself corner.

I saw them both naked open store room, they come out of the store room and go to back of the terrace.

I was spying on them butt naked and wet in rain from the corner of the store room wall. I never see mom naked before, this all new for me

Mujahid was lying down on a wooden cot which is found usually in villages. Mom jumped on him and started riding his thick cock.
Our house was the tallest in the society and so no one would be able to see them.

Also the rain was a perfect cover as their moans would not be heard by anyone.

Mom started to ride him like a hungry cat and moaning shamelessly. Mujahid’s hands were on her juicy tits and was pinching them from time to time.

Mom was fully intoxicated in lust.

Mujahid then moved her on the bed and started to fuck her in missionary position. He was entering her deeply it seemed because she was really moaning very loudly and without any inhibition.

My cock was dripping with pre cum. Suddenly due to their wild actions, the poor cot broke and both were on the ground.

The wild animals instead of stopping, kept fucking.

Now the passion was really at its heights. After a while he took her to the boundary of the terrace where mom placed her hands and bent down.

Mujahid entered mom from behind and plowed her juicy pussy. To prevent her from making too much noise,

Mujahid one hand was on her mouth while the other was on her left boob.

Mujahid came inside her cunt and they both lay there on the terrace in each others arms.

The rains subsided and I quickly came back to the house and dried myself. It was 1 am.

I tried to sleep but couldn’t. I had come once on the terrace and also 2nd time in the house but still my dick was hard.

Mom came back only at 2am. I realised that they had fucked some more after taking rest.

Since then, I saw Radhika Sharma and mujahid videos imagine mom and mujahid .and I slept.

I am happy that both are enjoying their relationship.

Week later mujahid had promotion
he immediately he will join Delhi University with in week ,he was very happy one side and also very sad of missing my mom ,

They both comes from university mom looking very dull

I asked mom" why are you looking so dull mom"

She didn't say anything to me and she went home straightway
Mom and mujahid didn't eat at night ,

they slept nothing happened,I was ready to go to school ,mom didn't come out room so I gone to her room

I asked "why you didn't go to university" ,

mom said "I'm very sick so you go to school"

I gone school but my mind was about my house ,then I think I don't want Miss any opportunity,

After the lunch break so quickly go backward of my house climbing throw the pipe,

What I saw is Mujahid got up and went to toilet and came back a couple of minutes later.

I was amazed to see his 9” Circumcised Cock was still erect.

I think they already finished one session

A beautiful married Bengali Hindu Woman Parvati, wearing only her Mangalsutra, bridal bangles, anklet, nose ring with Mehendi clad hands lying on bed naked without an inch of cloth on her body.

Mom was more active now. Mujahid stood at one end of the bed, checking the cam and adjusting it.

Parvati looked at his 9” Circumcised erection. Mom immediately got up and moved towards the end of bed where Mujahid was standing.

Mom lay on her tummy and raised her torso a bit. Without any command or sign from Mujahid,

Mom licked the red bulbous tip of Mujahid’s cock. Mujahid started recording the video of mom sucking his cock.

Mom didn’t use her hand. She was rubbing her face on his cock.

Mom then traced the entire length of his cock with her tongue.

Mom took it into her mouth and started giving blowjob.

Mujahid too started to move his pelvis in matching the rhythm of mom's mouth.

My sanskari hindu Mother, Parvati was vigorously sucking the Circumcised cock of her Muslim Lover Mujahid.

Sounds of slurping and gurgling were coming from her mouth, such was the intensity with which she was sucking.

Mom then took his cock out of her mouth and grabbed it with both her hands.

Mom grabbed the Circumcised Cock of Mujahid in both her hands and hit it multiple times on her face.
Mom again took it in her mouth and started sucking. Mujahid then asked her to stop.

Mujahid, “Let’s eat some more, I’m hungry.”

Mom, “Umm, Me too”

Mujahid poured two more drinks and took out some more beef on two plates.

It was like before First night with mom and mujahid beef and alcohol ,

Both sat down on sofa side by side. Mom placed her one leg over Mujahid’s thigh.

Mom was touching his Cock with her knee. Here was My Bengali hindu sanskari Mother, Parvati

Mom sitting completely naked beside a fully naked Muslim Man,

Mujahid whose 9” Circumcised cock was fully erect, at 3 pm eating beef and consuming whisky with him on the day of Karva Chauth.

What was exciting to me was that instead of fasting, mom was consuming beef and whisky and sucking the Circumcised cock of a Muslim man whom she had met a month ago

They were talking and kissing lightly in between. They both finished together and went to wash their hands and mouth in the bathroom.

Both came out and stood beside the bed.

Mom embraced Mujahid. Slowly they started kissing, and the intensity of kiss grew, from gentle pecks to chewing of lips.

Both had embraced each other tightly, mom's breasts were pressed hard against Mujahid’s hairy chest.

Their hands were on each other’s back, moving up and down and caressing.

Mujahid was thrusting his pelvis against mom's body and in this way his 9” Circumcised cock was rubbing against her belly and navel.

I loved the movement of mom's mouth on Mujahid’s mouth, it was as if she was eating his lips.

After couple of minutes Mujahid separated. He went towards the table and took out a pack of condoms.

Mom saw it and smiled. She moved towards a small bedside table and opened drawer.

She took out birth control pills, showed it to Mujahid and took the packet of condoms from him and threw it away.

This just made me wild, because my hindu sanskari Mother, Parvati was desperate to take the Circumcised Cock of her Muslim Lover,

Mujahid in her pussy without being covered by condom, instead Parvati wanted Mujahid’s Circumcised Cock skin to skin with her cunt.

Parvati took the Circumcised cock of Mujahid in her mehendi clad hands and then rubbed it on her navel for some time.

Mom again embraced Mujahid and kissed him lightly on lips.

Mom looked intently into Mujahid’s eyes. Mujahid understood.

Mujahid bent a little, grabbed his Circumcised cock in his hand and directed it towards Parvati’s pussy.

Mujahid rubbed the red bulbous tip of his circumcised cock on mom's cunt.

He rubbed it over the entire length of her cunt. He did this for a minute or so.

Mom was gulping, she was rubbing her tongue on her parched lips, she was in intense heat.

Mujahid put two fingers of his other hand in mom’s mouth, and took out.

He then applied the saliva sticking on his fingers to mom's cunt. He did this twice more. Finally with a slow movement,

Mujahid pushed his pelvis forward and the red bulbous tip of his Circumcised cock disappeared into mom's choot.

It sent down a shiver down my spine.

The most sacred place of my Hindu sanskari Mother Parvati’s body was penetrated by the Circumcised cock of a Muslim Man,

Mujahid is Such was the result of this penetration, that just as the tip of Mujahid’s 9” Circumcised Cock had entered mom's chunt,

It sent an electric shock in her body, and she lunged forward.

The 9” Circumcised Cock of Mujahid penetrated almost full into mom's cunt.

Mom clung on to his body and united her lips with his. Mujahid began to pump his 9” Circumcised cock in Parvati’s wet cunt.

Mom was undergoing though uncontrolled excitement after feeling the touch of the Circumcised cock of a Muslim Man in her Hindu cunt.

Mom embraced Mujahid tightly. Mom ‘s both arms were on Mujahid’s back,

Mom was pulling him more and more towards her. Parvati’s lips were united with Mujahid’s, their tongues entwined.

Mom breasts were pressed hard against his chest. To allow even greater penetration,

Parvati lifted one of her leg and put it behind Mujahid’s back. Mujahid’s movement continued.

Mom was also moving her ass accordingly.

My hindu sanskari Mother, Parvati’s cunt was finally penetrated by the Circumcised Cock of a Muslim Man.

Just one month ago I could not have expected this.

But today on the auspicious day of mom ate beef, drank whisky and now stood there beside her bed,

Mom embracing her Muslim lover, kissing him ardently and milking the 9” Circumcised Cock of her Muslim Lover in her hindu cunt.

Mujahid put both her hands on Parvati’s thighs and lifted her up. Mujahid’s one arm was below Parvati’s buttocks now and other on her back.

Mujahid was very strong. He had so easily lifter mom. My mom was embraced him even tighter.

The touch of a Circumcised Cock in the hot wet sanskari choot of Parvati had made her mad with desire.

Mom was humping over Mujahid’s cock wildly. My body too was getting hot beyond my control at seeing the sight of My sanskari hindu Mother

Mom lifted in the strong arms of a Muslim Man, Kaleem Mujahid.

I was getting hot at the sight of the passion with which My sanskari hindu Mother was making love to a Muslim Man.

The touch of the Circumcised Cock of a Muslim Man in her cunt had made my hindu sanskari mother mad with desire.

The passion with which Parvati kissed Mujahid, or the vigour with which Parvati thrust her pelvis on mujahid

Mujahid’s Circumcised Cock or the way she moved her hands on his back,

Showed the raw carnal lust My sanskari hindu Mother, Parvati was having for this Muslim Man, Mujahid.

Mom was moving her ass vigorously over the Circumcised cock of Mujahid.

Mom's legs had embraced Mujahid’s thighs like a snake, and she was moving her ass up and down and sometimes in a round manner for greater contact of her cunt with Mujahid’s cock.

After about 5 minutes, Mujahid sat down on the bed, mom was still humping on his Circumcised Cock wildly.

They sat embracing each other. Parvati’s breasts were pressed hard against Mujahid’s hairy chest.

Their lips were engaged in a wild liplock. It was oddly exciting,

To see my sanskari Mother, Parvati, sitting fully naked in the lap of her Muslim lover, mujahid, wearing nothing but her Mangalsutra and some wedding bangles,

my sanskari Mother, Parvati, humping the Circumcised cock of her Muslim lover, mujahid, kissing her Muslim Lover, mujahid so ardently full on lips.

My hand was jerking sharply over my cock, looking at the sight of my sanskari hindu Mother, Parvati,

Milking a 9” Circumcised Cock of a Muslim man Mujahid in her clean shaven Hindu sanskari cunt

After a while Mujahid lay on the bed below and mom was on his top,

And continuing to fuck him mercilessly.

The movement of her Butt was up and down and sometimes she made the move slightly circular.

Mujahid was kneading her boobs at the hanging stage.

Then Mujahide inserted his hands below her armpits and drags her towards his hairy chest to made her lie on his chest.

Their kiss started again, it was a deep kiss on lips with deep smooching sound.

The backside movement of my mother was continuing. Her Mangalsutra lay on Mujahid’s hairy chest.

The colliding of their pelvis created a deep POUCH POUCH sound, mixed with Parvati erotic moans.

Mujahid was caressing mom's back and kneading her huge ass globes, which were bouncing as she humped Mujahid’s Circumcised cock.

After about 5 minutes of humping, Mujahid turned, mom was now completely under him.

Mujahid began to move his pelvis at great pace.

Mom had tightly wrapped her legs around his waist. Mom had tightly embraced Kaleem in her fleshy arms

mom was caressing his back vigorously. Occasionally Parvati would move both her hands on Mujahid’s ass and dug her fingernails on his ass,
And prodding him to Pump her hindu cunt harder with his 9” Circumcised cock.

It showed how wild my sanskari hindu Mother, Parvati, had become after experiencing the Circumcised cock of a Muslim man in her cunt.

Parvati was moaning loudly, forgetting her she was hindu loyal wife and mother while making passionate love to her Muslim lover Mujahid,

On the day of mujahid after eating beef and consuming alcohol with her Muslim lover.

Mom moaning was suppressed to some extent though, because mom lips were locked tightly with Mujahid’s lips.

Finally I heard Mujahid grunt aaaahh, and …and slowly his thrusts slowed down

I knew this Muslimman Mujahid must have come deep inside the clean shaven cunt of my hindu sanskari Mother, Parvati.

Mujahid kept coming for nearly half a minute, and mom's womb was full with Mujahid’s semen, they kept kissing and kissing.

I could see semen leak from the sides of her cunt and came onto her thighs,

And then with a final kiss Mujahid got up and pulled out his 9” Circumcised cock, oh my God,

Mom's cunt was stretched so wide and Mujahid’s semen was flowing out of her cunt.

It was a great sight, to see the breeding of my hindu sanskari Mother, Parvati with a Muslim man.

The fertile womb of my hindu sanskari Mother, Parvati received virile seed from the thick semen of her Muslim lover mujahid

A Hindu Cow’s breeding was completed by a Muslim Bull.

Even in the month of October they were sweating heavily due to their vigorous and passionate lovemaking,

their bodies glow in their sweat. They kept lying naked on the bed and kept on fondling and kissing each other.

After about ten minutes Mujahid sat with his back propped up with the wall, lifted Parvati and took her on his lap.

Mom buried her face in Mujahid’s hairy chest, her Mangalsutra got displaced and lay on Mujahid’s nipple.

Mom held on to Mujahid like a little girl. Mujahid reciprocated Parvati’s submission with love and care.

He arranged her long hair and put it in front of her left shoulder covering her left breast, going down to her left thigh.

Mom's right breast was squeezed into Mujahid’s chest and Mujahid’s shrinking cock was still giving out juices that drenched Parvati’s right thigh but she did not bother at all.

Mujahid then planted some sweat kisses on her face and forehead and gently rubbed his palm all over her body.

After some time Parvati seemed to get back some strength and looked up to Mujahid who planted a long French kiss again.

Parvati caressed Mujahid’s hairy chest with her mehndi clad hands,

Her bangles made sweet noise as she moved her hand up and down from Mujahid’s chest to his tummy and finally to his cock.

Mom took Mujahid’s flaccid cock into her hand and rubbed her hand over it. She cleaned the semen that was still sticking to his cock.

Mom then rubbed her semen drenched hand on her Mangalsutra and looking into Mujahid’s eyes, smiled and then gave him a gentle peck on his lips.

Mujahid said" it was gift u given me for promotion,I never ever forget you, will you come with me enjoy our life like love bird"

Mom said "I love more than anything but I can't come,if I come what society think of me , what will my son future "

I will your secret lover always u can come anytime here I will waiting for you ,

They were kissing lightly, finally Parvati lay her head on Mujahid’s chest and closed her eyes.

Both went to sleep like that. Seeing my hindu sanskari Mother, Parvati lying completely naked with a bearded Muslim Man, Mujahid ,

who was also fully naked with his legs spread wide, on the day of Karva Chauth, on same bed where she used to sleep with her husband,

their bodies shinning in the sweat, her cunt still oozing the semen of her Muslim lover was too much for me to take.

I was amazed at the pure raw animalistic carnal lust my hindu Sanskari Mother displayed for this Circumcised Muslim man while making such passionate love to him

It was probably the effect of beef, alcohol and the touch of a Circumcised cock of a Muslim man in her clean shaven Hindu sanskari cunt.

I too ejaculated at this sight.

I saw time was 4.30 pm so I quickly gone play round roaming here and there correctly 5pm

I came to house and knock the door mujahid opened ,he was going Delhi ,

mom also dressed and he sat mom and me want in call taxi

Mom was sad for week ,after she is normal but she never ever forget mujahid ,
