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[Science] Brahmin Penis Size is 2-3 Inches and is SMALLEST of Mankind: KamaSutras - Kick in the Nuts for Brahmin Supremacism!


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Vazhga Dravida Nadu!
Greetings to Our Black Dalit-Dravidian Shaivite Superiors from!

This is Short-Dick Brahmin Boy aka Prawndick Pandit aka Punditi Peepee. Many people always ask us Pandies aka Brahmin Boys: How small are you Brahmin Boys actually? Well, the fact is we are on average 2-3 inches when hard. This is a measurement which comes after 100s of years of measurements, and is confirmed by our very own Brahmin seniors! Here is an internet definition:

Brahmin Penis
Source: https://definithing.com/brahmin-penis/

1. Male organ of an Aryan Brahmin. Traditionally, the smallest type of penis known to mankind. As opposed to the Shudra Penis, which is largest.
2. By extension, any small {Oriental} Caucasoid or fair penis in general.
3. A tiny unit of length, 2-3 inches.

After careful measurements, ancient sexologists found the Brahmin Penis to average less than 6 angulis (4.5 inches): "In accordance, Hindoo males were thus categorized: Shushah (hare man), the beau ideal of manhood. He is lithe & strong. Being the counterpart of Pudminee & a Brahmin, his penis corresponds in erection with the yoni {vagina}. It is small (two or three inches), & proportionately thin." (`The Jewel in the Lotus'. Allen Edwardes. NY: Julian Press, 1959, p.60)

Yet, in Brahminical culture, this smallest of penises is considered fortunate. This was especially true during the Brahmanic Dark Ages: "If the penis be small, the person will be rich" (Brihat Samhita, ch.21.7) & "If the nut be invisible, he will be a king; if the penis be long and fallen, he will be poor" (Brihat Samhita ch.22.8). Conversely, the massive Shudra Penis is considered the cause of poverty & distress: "The man whose Linga is very long, will be wretchedly poor. The man
whose Linga is very thick, will ever be in distress. The man whose Linga is thin and lean, will be very lucky; and the man whose Linga is short, will be a Rajah." (The Ananga Ranga, trans. Richard F. Burton. Benares: Kama Shastra Society, 1885, ch.vii)

1. It is Sheikh Chilli's wedding night.
Chilli (pulls down pyjamas): Oh my Bibi! Spread your legs so I can enjoy you!
Sheikha (unimpressed): Looks like your ancestors were Brahmin converts! Chilli: Why you say so?
Sheikha: You have a Brahmin Penis, that is why!
Chilli: Well ... that would explain why I'm so chalaak (smart) & rich! If I had a Shudra Penis, I'd be chootiya (dumb) & poor!

2. Just like the smallest kind of penis in the Penis Caste System is denominated a Brahmin Penis, biologists conventionally denote the smallest species of any animal as Brahmin, eg. the Brahminy Blind Snake, Brahminy Kite, Brahminy Starling, Brahminy Duck, Brahminy Bull & the Brahminy River

3. Muslim: It's so funny - you Brahmin boys have such microscopic Lunds (penises)! Haha! That's why your Brahmin females love us Muslim boys!
Brahmin: But you know what's funnier: your Muslim Penises are still much smaller than those Shudra Penises!
Muslim: Not true!
Brahmin: Ask your Bibis & Banus! Whenever I go to a Muslim mohalla for mutton biryani, I see so many of your Orats with Shudras! Every Muslim is a Nawazish, every Muslimah a Ghasiti!
Muslim: No ... (dick shrivels up, sulks & goes away)
Brahmin: That's what happens when you don't have a caste system!

4. Q: What happens when a Pandoo (Brahmin) with an erection walks into a wall ?
A: He hits his nose first!

5. Abdul: Nazia, move that glass one Brahmin Penis to the right ... Yes, perfect!

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#brahmin boy #indo-aryan penis #hindu penis #brahmin #brahmana
#brahmin man #pandit #pandoo #pandu #brahman #ganges worm
#aryan penis #rabbit man #hare man #brahma #hindu
So we brahmins are 2-3 inches hard! Jai Brahma and Jai Madhyadesh! Long Live Vegetarianism and Brahmacharya! This is the effect of 1000s of years of Brahmacharya!