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[Paki Panthress Pics] Shudrafucker SHAGUFTA 'Xyaa' IQBAL loves BIG BLACK SHUDRA LINGAM! - A Knee in the Nuts for us Short Dick Muzi Boys!

Hahahaha @IndusInchworm this is insane! Shudrachode Shagufta baaji would be very proud should she happen to stumble upon your extensive thesis...
Thank you for your kind words oneSickPuppy! Yes, it would indeed be an honour for me if she were to stumble upon this thesis! Would be great if she HERSELF could come here and add some more info to the discussion! Who knows? Might happen!

And I think that is one of the nick-names we must popularise about her: ShudraChod Shagufta Iqbal Baji! This nickname is so powerful because it is TRIPLY alliterative: The Ch should like a Sh, and so we have Sh, Ch, Sh - aa TRIPLE ALLITERATION in one name! Allah O Akbar!

Also the nickname ShudraFucker Shagufta is doubly alliterative - the first syllable Sh, then the F repeats as well! Another DREAM NAME come true!
Section 5.3: Joystick History: The Introduction of Oriental Penis Joysticks aka 'Sharqi Lulli Joysticks'

Now, in order to understand the logical progression of our sweet Pakeeza Gamer Princesses from the now obsolete Oriental Joystick models to the currently fashionable Big Black Dalit Joystick models, it is imperative to understand something about the history of joysticks.

Once Upon a Time, far back in the now distant prehistoric age - by gaming standards! - the first joystick models were introduced to the gaming community. At first, so-called Oriental Penis Joystick models aka 'Sharqi-Lulli' Joystick models were introduced.
Why were they called 'Sharqi-Lulli' models in the Orient, esp. South Asia? Because Sharqi is an Urdu and Hindi word for Orient or Asian.

What were these 'Sharqi-Lulli' aka Oriental Penis joystick models? Let us have a look:

'Islami Sharqi Lulli' Joystick Model

This is an interesting model which was introduced early on. In this picture you can see two Sharqi-Lulli Joystick models used on top of a gaming console. In fact, not only are they Sharqi-Lulli Joysticks, they are actually Islami Sharqi-Lullis = Islamic Oriental Penis Joystick Models. As you can see, they are about 1-2 inches long, and circumcised. The reason they are called Islami Sharqi-Lulli Joysticks is because they actually resemble the peepees that us devout Asiatic Mahomedans sport betwixt our fair legs:


Oriental Jewboy Joysticks at Gambling Table

Another name given to the Islami Sharqi Lulli models is actually Yahoodi Sharqi Lulli models, which translates to Jewish Oriental Penis Joystick Models aka Jewboy Asian Dick Joystick Models. Why were they named as such? Well, because our Jewish-Asian brothers are also of Asian-Semitic ethnicity, and are also circumcised. Average peepee size of both Oriental Jews and us Oriental Muhammedans is 2-3 inches when totally erect, hence the interchangeable slang terms. Here you can see the same model at a gambling table:


As you can imagine, on account of their small size, gameplay was a bit difficult - but these were the early days, remember!

Popularisation of Islami Sharqi Lulli among Brahmini Gamers

One big benefit of the wide adoption of the Muslim Oriental Penis Joysticks is the popularisation of Muslim penis among the sweet Brahmini gamers. As they played with short circumcised Asian penis joysticks all day, many Brahminis decided to date and marry us Muzis en masse!

However, our very own Pakeezas were hankering for something much bigger and stronger of course.

Islamic Inchworm Joystick Model

Another model similar to the above ones was soon brought to the market by enterprising entrepreneurs. It was called 'Islamic Inchworm' Joystick, and it looked like this:


As you can see, it is really very similar to the above fore-mentioned Islami Sharqi Lulli models.

One-Inch Osama Joystick Model

Meanwhile, another group of entrepreneurs introduced the One-Inch Osama joystick model:


Complaints about the Size and Strength of Islamic Inchworm Models

However, due to the small size, Pakeeza gamers found great difficulty in completing various games. Unlike the Brahminis - who play for fun - our Pakeeza Princesses are very obsessed with winning! They want to recreate the Old Sultanates and Begumates of Oudh and Bhopal!

In addition, as you can see above, these joysticks were very fair, extremely weak and prone to damage. They did not really last long at all. Many would melt in the hands of their female Pakeeza users only after a few minutes.

Hence, gaming companies introduced larger versions of the above.

Two-Inch Turkic Toe-Dick Joystick Model

One of these is the Two-Inch Turkic Toe-Dick aka Do-Eench Toorki Angutha-Luli joystick model:


Three-Inch Thulukkan Thumb-Dick Model

Later still, an even bigger model was introduced: Three Inch Thulukkan Thumb-Dick Model!



Continuous Defeats and Complaints

Sadly, the defects of the Sharqi Lulli models meant that our Pakeezas were not winning global gaming competitions. Our sweet Pakeeza Gaming Princesses kept hounding the gaming companies, insisting that they introduce Big Black Dalit Joysticks instead! They said these new joysticks would be much bigger, better and blacker than the Mahomedan Oriental Penis Joysticks!
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Section 5.5: Introduction of Uncut Big Black Dalit Joystick Models!

Finally, after much pressure from OF (Oriental Female) gamers, and esp. our Pakeeza Princess Gamers, but also even some Hindustani Female Gamers, the gaming companies finally introduced new models! What were these? Why, the Big Black Dalit Joystick Models, of course!



Here you can see a Mufarrangan (Nordicised Oriental Female) playing a game with the new Big Black Dalit Joystick models. As you can see, these joysticks are much bigger, much stronger and completely black like the skin colour of the lucky Dravidian peoples!

However, the shaft is somewhat thin. Gaming companies quickly rectified this, as shown below:



Now you can see, the joysticks are really thick all along the shaft!

The above Uncut Big Black Dalit Joystick model was popular for some time, but then our ambitious Pakeeza Player Princesses and Begumi Gamers kept on insisting on bigger, blacker and stronger models to suit their aggressive gameplay! So they kept on pestering the gaming companies for even more massive Dravidoid models!

Finally, the gaming companies came up with the biggest, blackest and most massive model of all: the Telinganite Tri-Lingam Triple-Joystick!

Cock-Sheathed Telinganite Tri-Lingam Triple-Joystick


Inspired buy the historical name of Tri-Lingam-ana = Tri-Linga-na = Land of Men with triple-Sized Dicks = Tri-Lingam = Te-Linga = Telinga = Telugu, and just as the ancient word Tri-Lingam = Telingam = Telinga was used by ancient Non-Vedic Sramanic Asian-Aryans to refer to the legendary penis size of Black Dravidian men, so the smart gaming companies decided to capitalize on this awesome brand name for Dravidian macrophallism by coining a similar term! So they created the Telinga Tri-Lingam Triple-Joystick Model!

Naturally, this variant became the most popular of all! Just at how powerful, how muscular and how masculine this model looks! Completely the polar opposite of the Islamic Inchworm versions shown above! It also has a full protective cock-sheath (both foreskin and shaftskin), rendering it even bigger and stronger than it is! Our circumcised and so weaker Bobtails just could not compete! This Telinganite Triple-Joystick is the model reportedly used by the Number 1 Pakeeza Player herself - Shagufta 'ShudraFucker' Iqbal Baji !


"Ya Allah, these new Big Black Dalit Joysticks are just superior in every way! Me and my Begumi Gamer Girls will NEVER go back to Muslim Asian Joysticks again!"


"This is why Muslimah Gamers like me ONLY play with Big Black Dalit Joysticks! Any more questions, stupid Stani Boys?"


"You think your Islamic Inchworm can compete with my Shudra Yaar's Big Black Dalit Joystick? Resign NOW or I'll make him fuck you up your Arabian Arse after the Game!"

Pakidick-Bashing aka SOPH (Small Oriental Penis Humiliation)!

Meanwhile, our Pakeeza Princesses quickly came to dominate the entire field of gaming across South Asia, and even the rest of the Orient and quickly made inroads into the rest of the world! How? Because they started using the Big Black Dalit Dick Joysticks to their advantage! They started intimidating their opponents using these fearsome instruments, just like the smart Muslimah gamer below!



Stupid Paki Boy! Your Jewboy Joystick just cant compete!
Don't dare challenge me again, Thulukkan Thumbdicks!
Time for you Losers to Suck my BFs 12 inch Big Black Dalit Dick Joystick!

Of course, seeing the awesome Big Black Dalit Dick Joysticks which our powerful Banos, Bajis and Begums had acquired, many of their male opponents quickly got Rabt aka Koro aka Small Oriental Penis Retraction and simply capitulated!

Big Black Dalit Dick Joysticks made our Asian Paki-Dick Joysticks OBSOLETE

Well, how could us Short-Dick Paki Boys compete with such massive pieces of Andhra Nadu Artillery? We could not of course! Our aggressive Pakeeza Princesses and Gamer Begums quickly kicked out our Paki Peepee Joysticks and rendered us completely obsolete - BOTH in the field of gaming as well as in the bedroom!


Muslimah Gamer comparing Short Pink Asian-Muslim Joystick with
Big Black Shudra-Shaivite Joystick!
"These new Big Black Dalit Joysticks are just so much bigger, better and stronger!
Your Islami Sharqi Lulli Joysticks are Now OBSOLETE!"
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Fact: Pakeeza Gamer-Girl Selection of Big Black Dalit Joystick rendered our Asian Moslem Joystick OBSOLETE in Gaming!

When the dalit models were introduced, word rapidly spread about how superior they were, and the most aggressive Pakeeza gamers quickly adopted it! Soon, the Pakeezas using the Telingana Triple-Joystick above were winning all the competitions. We were rendered obsolete in gaming!

Fact2: Pakeeza Gamer-Girl Selection of Big Black Dalit Joystick rendered our Muzi Lulli Joystick totally OBSOLETE in the Bedroom!

Now, after our Begumi Gamers and Pakeeza Players became so accustomed to the sheer size, immense volume and unbelievable power of the Big Black Dalit Joysticks in their gaming experience, it is only natural that they would demand the same in their bedrooms too! Our sweet Sand Siren sisters were fondling, handling and grabbing foot-long Dravidian joysticks all day and had already rendered us Muzis obsolete in gaming. It would simply NOT make sense for such a siren to then be expected to handle a much smaller dwarf-like Sharqi-Lulli joystick in the bedroom!

It is only logical that they would do the same in the bedroom too! In no time the top Muslimah gamers had rendered us Muzi boys OBSOLETE in the bedroom by replacing us with Bigger, Better and Blacker Dalit joysticks!

And this is PRECISELY what Shagufta Iqbal Baji has done!

By boldly taking a Saaf-Shudra or Sat-Sudra boyfriend Anand Jadhao, she is boldly proclaiming to the entire world the superiority of Big Black Uncut Dalit Joysticks, and is loudly announcing the obsolescence of our Paki Boy Joysticks!