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Innocent Wife With Cab Driver (Collected)

After last session with the waiter I was dead tired as I was fucked 3 times in the same night by three different cocks. As soon as went to bed I slept like Rocky, when morning I woke up to find javed wasn’t there in bed. I became tens n woke up to check but then realized he is in bathroom so I found bit relaxed.
I just checked the time it was almost 12 in the noon, omg I have already spent half of the day over here and now I needed to rush back as my husband was supposed to reach home at night. So I got up and waiting for Javed to come out of bathroom. He came after a while
Javed: Oh so you finally awake? What happened last night?
I got scared with this question, I thought he got to know about my escapades of night but I tried to be calm.
Amruta: Don’t you remember?
Javed: Sorry darling I somehow got drunk a lot and I am not remembering after that anything.
I got relived by his statement as atleast he won’t think bad about me. So I played game with him.
A: Oh that so sad, just because it was your birthday I wanted to make it special and made arrangements accordingly but look what I got, you didn’t even remember what happened.
I acted being sad. This trick worked and he started to feel guilty for that. He came close n hugged me.
J: Oh darling I am so sorry for that but this has been the best birthday of my life. Nobody cared for me so much in past.
Saying this he kissed my cheeks and I hugged m tight. I was so damn happy that I almost turned a slut in a night and got fucked by three different cocks. Best thing was that none of them was aware about all my 3 adventures in night. I just thought to play along and let they think whatever they want about me. I was getting different kick from this, after kiss we separated and I went to bathroom.
After I finished my brush i came out of bathroom and Javed was fully dressed and said to me that he is going downstairs for some fresh air, asked me to lock the door. I locked the door and went to bath, after I finished bath I came out and wear a tight kurti and salwar, as I was supposed to go home before it’s too late, my husband would come by eve so I have to complete my weekend household chores, else my husband would get doubt about my absence. I get ready and waiting for javed to come but he wasn’t back even after an hour, I was feeling little scared so I called him up
A: Hello Javed ji
J: Yes
A: Where are you? And when will you come?
J: I am downstairs only and will come in while, just ran into friend and chatting with him. Why?
A: Actually I am hungry and want to eat something.
J: I had breakfast so, you order something for you.
A: Ok I will do it.
Though we were not sharing any emotional relation, I felt little sad as he ignored me on call and also he even do not bother to have breakfast with me or atleast ask me for the same. My husband would never do this, but I have to accept that I was not his wife and share just bed with him that too with my choice, he didn’t force me to do the same. I try to console myself and called up the waiter for the order.
I was again tensed that the waiter who fucked me would come with the order and again will try to take advantage of the situation. But after sometime hunger takes over me and I called up for breakfast, being lodge I wasn’t having much option, so better of it I order the Anda Bhurji. I heard knock in sometime, I just was praying god that he shouldn’t sent that bastard waiter as I wasn’t actually in mood right now and thankfully e wasn’t there, but some old man around 50 showed up. He was kinda stunned to see me there, he kept the food on table and said
Old waiter (OW): You aren’t regular whore here.
A: I am not a whore, don’t call me that.
OW: Oh yes. You aren’t whore and this is temple. You are here to offer your prayers to god.
He said in sarcastic tone and laughed. I felt shameful and looked down.
OW: oh you seems to be married or this is fake?
He pointed at my mangalsutra. Though I was ashamed, I replied in low voice.
A: I am married, why would someone wear fake mangalsutra?
OW: Some women do that, as now a days married whores are in good demand. But I have never seen such beautiful whore here around before. You recently started working here?
A: I am not whore and I don’t work here. I am from respected family and work for very big company.
OW: Wow, so which woman spend a night with a man in such lodge who is not husband.
I knew he trapped me with his question, I wasn’t able to reply him. He was laughing and shaming me with his words, I got bit pissed off.
A: I think that’s none of your business, you should go.
OW: By the way what’s your rate? You are best whore I have seen in this lodge so far.
A: I am not a whore, you leave from here else I will call javed ji.
OW: Oh so you came here with Javed, don’t worry I won’t touch you. I am poor old man with no money I know no woman would let me touch her. You say you are married then who is javed?
A: He is er….. my…. My bf
OW: hahahaha. A respected family married woman has a bf, what a joke.
It was humiliating for me but somehow my body was responding to his vulgar talk n horny manner. I decided to keep things under control and not to get into some trouble.
I thought the situation might go out of hand but fortunately Javed came back, I was relieved to see him. Once he was back the waiter went away. We did breakfast together and he left me at my apartment. The shameless watchman was on duty, once Javed left he immediately came to me
W: Hello Madam, U went to office on Sunday? That’s your office cab.
A: Hey its none of your business, you don’t worry about the schedule.
W: come on madam, I casually asked you and you are getting angry as if I asked you about your affair.
I was about to freeze with that statement, but that fellow was standing there with mischievous smile and rubbing his cock on pants.
A: Hello bhaiya I work in office and sometimes I have to go on weekends, so you don’t need to worry about it.
W: Work? Hmmmm I see.
He said in doubt mode but still rubbing his cock. I decided to ignore him and went up to our flat. Completed the chores and slept as I was tired. Around 8 at night I was woken up by my husband, then I cooked dinner and have a nice sex session.
One week later Javed called me up and said that there is some issue at his hometown so he is taking off for few weeks. I was so nervous listening this as now again may be my thirst won’t be quenched, I didn’t had nice fuck before he left.
I kept rubbing my cunt in those sweet memories.
Javed was gone almost for 15 days and I was being dry for this time. My husband was busy with his routine schedule so I was really feeling horny most of the times. This dry phase of mine actually making me sad, I was even replying to the lame flirts made by my colleagues but I never found anyone attractive enough to sleep with him.

I had really hottest experience with Javed and Raghu, somehow I realized that I am getting attracted more towards the cheap guys rather than the affluent people. Some of my colleagues, friends husbands used to hit on me, but I never entertained them more than small causal flirting.

The office has also changed the cab policies due to complaint from some female employees, so now the cabs were sent randomly and also no cab was supposed to repeat for more than once a fortnight. So I was not getting any attention from any of the driver.
The only cheap guy I was getting attention from was my society watchman as he used to be there at night when I used to return from office, but I wasn’t keen to be with him.

Day by day my frustration was increasing, I even had sex with my husband but unfortunately I did not enjoy that much. To my surprise even watchman now was behaving like a gentleman to me as I scolded him when he enquired about going out in office cab on weekend.

My apartment is 200m inside of the main road and there is narrow lane connecting main road to my apartment which is covered with trees on both sides, there is one construction going on near our building and no other building is there. So at night the lane is completely deserted, these new drivers now started dropping me on main road instead of the society gate as per them it is difficult for them to turn their vehicle due to construction material of the new building.

I also got used to it as at night 200 m wasn’t big deal to walk as only our building was there and no other people would come to this side at this time of night.

One day I had returned from office half hour early as there was network issue in office n we were asked to leave early. It was 2.00 am in night and my cab dropped me off at the main road and I was walking down the lane.

As I went to the gate I found it to be locked and I was surprised by that and also little scared as when I saw in security cabin, it was empty. I tried to be calm as I thought shouting his name may attract some undue attraction if there are some thieves around, so I decided to look for him around.

As I was looking around I found out that someone like our guard was standing near the under construction building looking away from the gate.

Before calling out his name I thought let me confirm if that’s the watchman else I might be in trouble. So I slowly went towards the man, to my surprise I moved little bit sideways n I found out that he was indeed our watchman but he was urinating, as he moved sideways I was able to see his cock and that was trigger for me. Though its wasn’t the longest cock I have seen but it really has good thickness I thought as even being limp I it seems bigger to me.

I hide behind one wall of the under construction building and was watching his piss coming out of his cock. My body stopped listening to my brain. Unknowingly my hand went down and started rubbing my cunt on the salwar.
All of these non fucking days has kept me in such state that even look of limp cock was enough to turn me on. As I was concentrated on his cock suddenly I realized that he about to finish his peeing, I immediately rush myself to the gate trying to control my breath, as all that scene has made me hot. He came back to gate and surprised to see me there

W: Madam, you came early.

I was in no state to reply, so just was trying to avoid eye contact with him.

W: What happened madam? All you all right? You don’t look well?

A: No I am ok, please open the gate.

I somehow manage to say that, he was surprised by my behavior but only I knew about it. He opened the gate and I rush to my flat. As soon as I got in, I directly rushed to the bathroom pulled down salwar with panty. Rubbed my pussy so hard thinking about the cock and imagining the same going in my cunt, I had one of the best orgasm.

But after that I felt so ashamed of myself, how can I deviate from my path and think about the cheap guy again in my bed. Although pleasure of orgasm was much more than the guilt of imagination, the powerful orgasm gave me a very good sleep.

Next day I woke up late and finished my household chores. Somehow the last night incident wasn’t getting out of my mind. I was trying hard to control but still the image of his cock was clear in my eyes.

So while leaving for office I went downstairs 5 min before, as usual he was there

W: Hello madam

A: Hello

W: Are you ok? Yesterday you didn’t seem well.

A: yes I am fine. Yesterday I was just tired.

I told him plain lie with straight face, he would have not got that. I was having hard time to control my eyes looking at him. So I just went aside pretending to wait for my cab and noticing him with corner of my eyes.

First time I clearly notice him. He was with dark complexion but with very good physique, well-toned body as his uniform was bit tight so I could see his nice biceps and almost flat stomach. Fat weren’t anywhere on his body.

Till now whatever experience I got was with ugly fat men with big paunch n all. Though the watchman wasn’t good looking but has good physique. He seemed to have habit of some pan masala as I could see his teeth stained red.

As I was engrossed in the observation I got call from cab driver and I rushed to my office. Entire night my mind was running the same thought about the watchman. After office when I was returning, I was hoping him to see his cock again and my mind was praying the god for it, but unfortunately when I came back he was standing at gate.

I was totally disappointed but still manage to smile at him.

W: Hello madam, how are you?

A: Hello. I am good. By the way whats your name?

W: Sanju

A: oh nice. I wasn’t knowing.

W: No problem madam. I am poor person, why would you be knowing my name.

A: hey its nothing about being poor or rich.
W: Madam you think I am bad person so never talk with me. Also scolded me once.

A: Oh its not like that and I don’t remember scolding you.

Though I knew, I was pretending to ignore the same.

W: You wont remember madam, but I remember madam. Anyways its nice that you are atleast talking to me.

A: I am sorry if I have been rude to you anytime.

W: Actually madam I am new here, my family stays at my hometown. I don’t have much friends here so it feels nice when rich people like you talk to us.

A: I will talk to you don’t worry but don’t come up with crap of poor n rich again.

W: Madam you are so nice. Thank you. I will do anything for you.

A: Sorry? What do you mean?

W: I mean I will do as you say if you are talking with me.

A: That’s fine. I will leave now. Good night.

W: Good night.

The talks with the watchman was going on every day but didn’t get it to the next level. As the watchman’s shift was changed and now my hopes also went dry in that. My sexual frustration was getting high but again I wasn’t having any other option.

As I was scared to go for anyone, as what if that guy started to blackmail me or something. In between I thought of going to lodge to get Raghu or the waiter but I wasn’t sure how safe that would have been for me. I drop that idea as well.

So I got totally engrossed in the office work just to keep me busy and away from the sexual thoughts, next week my husband was there so we do really spent quality time together and have lot of fun like shopping, nice exotic dinner. Even got tipsy and had raunchy sex at home but somehow I wasn’t totally satisfied, after the encounters with my driver and lodge guys, I had developed a kind of fetish for ugly and dirty men. That might have been the reason of my dissatisfaction, as while my husband was humping me hard I my mind was imagining the strokes at lodge.
Later I was so ashamed of myself when I thought how a young married woman like me think like this, I have been chaste woman sometime back with a loving husband, nice job and wonderful sex life. If only I haven’t took the driver request for the classes, I would been happy with my life. It wasn’t like I wasn’t happy but just my sex drive has significantly increased due to escapades I had with those guys. Now I was always dreaming about that experience.

While I somehow suppressed my thoughts of having another experience with other than husband and was concentrating on my work and family. My husband was all around me so that was kind of helping me to get over my emotions of adultery. Even when the watchman has changed his shift I tried to make conversation minimal and tried to avoid any talks that would led to otherwise. But I wouldn’t said that I was being successful in that as whenever I used to be in bed with my husband my mind never co-operate with me, I don’t even got a good orgasm in all these days.

But again my husband again had lot of work load and wasn’t able to give me a good quality time and also a good fuck so my desperation was going on n on. Suppressing the thoughts was getting difficult for me. One day evening husband came back home from office with a very good surprise. He directly come n hugged me tight.

Husband: Hey baby there is good news.

Amruta: Oh darling what is it?

H: I got the nice raise in office and very good incentives.

A: Oh darling that’s the best news you gave to me, I love you so much.

H: ya and moreover now we shall change the sofa as we planned with new one.

A: Darling that’s the best news, now we will be having new sofa before my birthday.

H: yes darling that’s my birthday gift to you.

We had this conversation and next day we went to the best furniture store to get the sofa but unfortunately we don’t find the design of our choice so they gave us the option of customized design as per our wish, the workers shall come to our house n prepare the same. We agreed for it as we wanted the same as per our choice. There we finalized the design and they told us that tomorrow morning workers shall come to our place and start the work, they will finish in two days.
I was so excited as we had planned this long time but didn’t got the chance do that, now our home furnishing would start as per our wish.

Next morning the workers came to our place and wanted to start the work we had primary discussion about the design and everything they assured as that it would complete in three days. My husband asked me to take leave for three days as someone needs to be there and he won’t be able to take the leave. So I asked my manager he said instead of leave I should take work from home and that was more happy part. So the husband left for office around 11, those guys wanted to discuss some more part of work and needed to shift some furniture next room to make space, so I was guiding them in process that time I notice them well their description are as follow

First guy was young must be around 25-26 years old average built, not bulky not so skinny.

Second guy was middle aged one around 35 years old quite bulky but not fat, amazingly he had flat stomach and good build.

Third guy was also middle aged but kind of skinny not much of fat in his body.

All of them extremely dark skinned and while talking I could sense the red stains on the teeth of the second guy, means he would be habituated with eating gutkha.

As I was talking to them I could find that they were ogling my body like that meat piece, even though that day I was wearing fully covered salwar kameez without giving them hint of my skin.

[Image: tkqUohLB_t.jpeg]

I understood that they rarely get chance to work in house while hot fair skinned woman with sexy figure accompany them. I wasn’t stranger to such stares but right in my house was surly a new thing for me.

As I explain them the work and made the necessary shifting to give them space to work. I went back to my bed room and started working on my laptop. In some time I heard knock on my room door, I opened it.

Young guy: Madam Can you please give us some water?

A: Sure.

I went to kitchen and filled a jar with water and gave them glasses to drink it. As I had removed duppatta while working on laptop, I didn’t put it back and went like that only. While I was gave them water being little bit I could find all three pair of eyes staring my boobs, even though nothing much was visible due to full covered kurti.
I immediately handed over the glass and came back to room, I was feeling very nervous due to their staring, but strangely I wasn’t angry with them. Before my mind could have some naughty thoughts I started working on laptop and got busy with it.
After some time again I heard knock on door so opened it, same young guy was there.
YG: madam sorry to disturb you but actually we wanted to request you that it would be great if you give us cup of tea.

A: ok just wait for 5 min I will bring it.

I went to kitchen n prepared tea and gave it to them.

Guy2: Madam you also have it

A: no thanks. This isn’t my tea time.

Guy2: Please madam its request as you have taken efforts to make it, please you also take so that we wont feel like give are giving
trouble to you.

A: no nothing like that.

Suddenly all of them kept requesting so I decided to have some so I bought half cup of tea and sat in hall to have it.

Guy2: Madam we thank you that you chose to build the sofa instead of buying it from the shop.

A: Why so?

Guy2: Actually madam we don’t work in that shop we only get the customized order, rest is done in their factory.

A: oh so how many orders do you get.

Guy2: We generally get good orders but don’t know this month yours is only order for us. I was scared that if we don’t get any order may be we won’t be able to send money to our home in village. But you come like angel.

A: Hey come on you would have got one or another order. There is no point me being angel.

Guy2: Madam you don’t realize you are rich but for us one order matters a lot, out family is dependent on it.

A: Ya I know that but now don’t worry, you have the order so no problem to you.

Saying this I gave him smile to all of them.

Guy2: Ya thanks to this angel.

That guy smiled pointing at me showing the stained teeth.

A: don’t call me angel.

I said in mocking anger.

Guy2: Why not you came to our rescue in difficult time and also you are too beautiful like angel.

A: Hey now you are just trying to flatter me.

Guy2: No madam. I swear to god you are really beautiful, I have never seen beautiful woman like you.

A: That’s enough now. You are good at talking, but don’t waste time in it and finish the job. I am not going to make the payment if the work is not satisfactory.

Guy2: you don’t worry about it madam. I never left any lady unsatisfied.

A: What the hell you said?

Guy2: I mean all my customers are happy with my work.

A: We shall see that.

Guy2: Don’t worry madam, I will surly show you.

Saying this he smiled at me showing stained teeth, I left the place and came back to my room.

I was actually surprised that the guy made a double meaning remark and like a fool I responded him. I wasn’t able to concentrate on work as I was thinking that he might have got a clue that I am not an impossible target, I was feeling so foolish of myself. But I decided not to over think on this, but long time surprised thoughts were not letting my mind rest. As I have unsatisfied for a long time and now whatever fear I had now I have to face it.

As from long time I was trying to avoid the company of such people to suppress my excitement but now unfortunately I have to be with them for 3 full days. I wasn’t sure how am I going to control my feeling but I decided that whatever happens I won’t fall in this trap and don’t let my body to take over my brain.

But was really everything in my hand? Will my body cooperate with my brain?

Only coming time had the answer.

Couple of hours went like that fortunately nobody bothered me during this time, so I concentrated on my work, I checked the watch I was showing 2.00 pm. I decided to have lunch now and also to check the work going on. I went out n pecked in, those guys were working quietly so went n asked

A: Hey you all had lunch?

Guy1: No madam, actually we wanted to finish this part and then go for lunch.

A: ok fine.

Guy3: Madam, Do you had lunch?

A: Not yet. I will have it now.

Guy2: Madam, can you please give us some more water before you go inside?

A: Ya sure.

I went into kitchen and fill up bottle and went back to the hall. As I extend my hand to give the water, this second guy put his hands directly on my hand in pretext of taking the same. I also didn’t object to that as he was smiling at me. I also smiled back he hold it for few seconds and then I pulled it back.

Then I went to kitchen and got my lunch took it in bed and finish it. After that I once again got busy with my work and I thought they would also be busy with their own work as nobody disturbed me. Around 4.30 there was knock on the door. As I opened I found the
Guy2 was at door smiling at me showing stained red teeth. I smiled him back

Guy2: Madam hope I haven’t disturbed you.

A: No. What happened?

Guy2: Madam actually we want some tea. Sorry if we are troubling you.

A: Don’t be sorry. I was going to ask you about the same, I know you guys have a lot habit of drinking tea.

Guy2: Yes we have a cup of tea lot many times but we don’t want to disturb so we rarely asked you.

A: You don’t need to be so reluctant. Please ask me when you need tea.

Guy2: How can we do it madam? We are poor people, our clients get offended if we ask them something.

A: is it so? I don’t think someone will get offended. Now let me go to kitchen to prepare a tea for you.

I say this smilingly. He too responded with smile and walked behind me to kitchen stood aside. I looked at him surprisingly why he is here, but before I think about anything he continued the topic.

Guy2: Madam People do think ill of us poor people. You know what happened once I was working at some memsaab’s house?

A: What?

Guy2: I was working there and I had strong urge of tea. So I went to that madam and requested for tea suddenly she started shouting on me saying I don’t work and most of time spend on timepass. Are you to do timepass and what not? Madam I felt so guilty that I didn’t even drank water while working in that house.

All of sudden he seemed very sad, his expression made me feel bad for that guy. At in flow of the moment I hold his hands n said

A: hey don’t worry I would never treat you like those person. You can feel free here and ask me for tea anytime.

He put his other hand on my hands and smilingly said

Guy2: Madam thank you so much. You really have big heart and that’s why I called you angel.
A: Now stop flattering and leave my hands, so that I can prepare tea.

We both smiled at each other and he left my hands. I started preparing tea, the sugar box was kept above stove level, so I stretched my hands to get it but all of sudden he came very close to me n hold my hand along with the sugar box. I was so stunned that I didn’t realize to react at that particular point of time so I froze there like a statue.

He slowly bought my hands down and slid down his hand till my upper arms n went back.

A: What are you doing?

I asked him with a surprise, though I wasn’t angry.

Guy2: Madam you are so kind and helping us so much so I thought of helping you a little. Hope you don’t mind.

He said this with a wicked smile, I also responded him with smile

A: That’s ok, but all of sudden you did so it frightened me.

Guy2: Are what is there to be frightened from me madam. You are our angel and will never even think about harming you.

He said this by putting hand on my shoulder, which I didn’t not object. But was really impressed by his boldness.

A: Oh that’s so sweet of you. But I know this is purely flattery for tea.

Seeing no resistance from side his confidence rose and he came a bit closer. Tough there was atleast a foot distance between us, my brain started alarming me that I should stop him here.

Guy2: No way madam. If you want don’t give us tea, still our feeling for you won’t change. You are behaving so sweetly with us from day 1, which no customer has ever done. We are always treated like the garbage by rich customer as we are so poor.

With his constant remarks of his bad experience, my pity for him was growing more. I was being so dumb to understand that he was playing mind game with me, which I realized much later. Though he was illiterate but very sharp with his mind games.

A: Hey you should never speak like that to me again, those were bad people who ill-treated you. You need to forget those bad experiences.

Guy2: Very true madam. As we are getting very nice treatment from angel like madam we will definitely forget those bad memories.

A: Now you need to stop calling me angel, I am simple married woman. Nothing like angel.

Even if I said that my mind was loving the praises by them.

Guy2: Why should we stop that? You are so divine in nature and also most beautiful woman I have seen so closely, else such beauties are seen only in movies.

A: Now that’s too much, I am not falling for your lies.

I say laughing.

Guy2: Oh come on madam, look at you. Such a beautiful face, extremely well figure and this silky smooth skin. You are no less than angel.

Saying this is moved his hand from my shoulder to my fingers, his rough hands were very bad for me as I was experiencing this after much longer time, seeing no resistance he moved behind me and started moving his rough hands on my smooth arm length. Unconsciously my eyes closed due to such seductive touch and his smooth talk.

All of suddenly he shook my shoulders and I open my eyes.

Guy2: What happened madam? Tea is boiling.

I came back to my senses with that and immediately went away from him.

A: You please go in hall, I shall bring the tea.

He immediately moved to hall and I here was dying in shame.

A: (In my mind) what had happened to me? How did I have aroused with his simple touch? What am I becoming? Oh god please help me from getting into this thing again as I am trying hard to avoid this.

I stood in kitchen for some time to recover from the shock of what had just happened. After I recovered I went to hall with tea in tray and hand over it to all of them. Surprisingly he didn’t make any advances this time, not even a smile, which left me confused. As I was walking back to kitchen

Guy1: Madam

A: Yes

Guy1: Arent you having tea?

A: I will also have it.

Guy1: Madam then why don’t you have tea with us.

I was bit confused with latest developments but I thought again there is no harm in having tea with them as I have already done it in morning.

A: I will bring it here.

I said smilingly and sat down on chair in hall, they were sitting on some wooden portion.

I realized I didn’t even know their names, so I asked

A: Oh sorry but I don’t know your names, can you please tell me?

Young guy: Madam I am Babu

Guy3: Madam my name is renga

I was kind of awkward for second guy introduction but fortunately he didn’t say anything but babu said

Babu: madam he is our boss Rafiq ji.

I didn’t dare to look at him, just smiled n finished tea. I collected all the cups went to kitchen, kept it there and locked myself back in bedroom. Tried to concentrate on my work but was unable as all those images were flashing in my mind of what happened with Rafiq guy. I was lost in that thought n got call from my hubby. I received it

Hubby: Hey darling how’s the work going?

A: It is going good.

H: Are these guys working properly? Any complaints you have?

A: Nothing so far they are doing their work and I am doing mine in our bed.

H: Ya but keep eye on them, we can’t blindly trust them, and you know it.

A: Don’t worry these guys are harmless and professional.

H: that’s good, let see if they do a good work I am thinking of making one bed in our guest room.

A: Lets see that, let them complete it fast.

H: Ya that is also true, anyways keep eye on them. I shall be late.

A: You are being late regularly, it is pissing me off. I thought you would come early today as I am at home but no work is more

H: Hey why are you creating scene? I have important meeting here, I am not doing timepass.

A: Ya correct I am not doing any work, its just you who have the job. Come whenever you want. Bye

I disconnected the call as I was very angry for him being so careless, first of all he kept me all alone with these labors in house, secondly he is not even bothered to come early. Actually it wasn’t the big deal but sexual frustration was there and I thought that Rafiq incident happened because of it, so I was more angry with him.

My mind was totally clueless about my life as one side I was trying to control the slut in me, which was getting dominant day by day and for that I required my husband support but he wasn’t providing me all the time. He was totally clueless that his wife is already fucked by three cheap guys and he has left her with three more labor class guys all alone that too for full day.
I was getting tense so picked a cigarette and moved to balcony, it fortunately making me bit relaxed. As I was about to finish the cigarette, I heard the knock on the door. I hastily threw cigarette n rushed to open the door with wish in my mind that Rafiq shouldn’t be there and thankfully babu was standing there, I was relaxed looking him.

A: What happen babu?

Babu: Madam, actually I have a request. But if you won’t get angry, then only I will ask.

Now I was tense again that what he is going to ask now, already I am trying to get over the Rafiq episode. I somehow gathered the courage and said

A: ok whats it?

Babu: Actually madam, I have habit of smoking bidi and its been 8 hours I haven’t smoke so my head is getting high. My boss is not allowing me to go out.

A: So what should I do?

I cut him in between. He made small face n said

Babu: Madam if you allow me to smoke somewhere in this house I would be really grateful else I would have to work somehow.

I was confused what to say now as he must have smell cigarette coming from my breath and also he was young n kind of cute even though dark n dirty, I really didn’t want to disappoint him. So I said

A: ok but you can’t smoke in apartment, so better go to balcony and smoke.

I said with smile. He was very happy to listen so he rushed to balcony, I too went to open balcony door. As we step out I could see my cigarette bud was lying there. He too noticed it but didn’t say anything.
As I was about to leave him there, he suddenly asked

Babu: Madam

A: yes babu.

Babu: Sorry to trouble you but I forgot my matchbox, is there any available in home?

I offered him my lighter, I could see naughty smile on his face to which I also replied with smile. I watched him lighting his bidi. I got temptation of having another cigarette, so I also pulled one from my pack. He was quick enough to hold the burning lighter infront of my face, I lit my cigarette with it and he smiled at me.

While he handed over the lighter to me our hands brushed each other and wave of current pass through my body. For some time there was some silence, no one was talking we were just busy smoking.

Babu: Madam

A: yes?

Babu: Which brand are you smoking?

A: Marlboro. Have you tried it?

Babu: Madam we are poor people we cannot afford such fancy cigarette, only bidis are in our fate.

He said this with a very sad face and this made me feel pity about them. I don’t know what I was thinking but both these people were tricking me by their poverty and I was not sensing the trick.

A: If you want you can try this.

Babu: No madam, it seems very expensive. I don’t want to waste your money. Already we are troubling a nice lady like you.

A: Oh come on, don’t start flattering me now. It’s no issue if you want you can definitely try this.

I pulled out one and hold in front of him, he was very happy and suddenly grab it. This time I returned him the favor by lighting his cigarette and smiled at him.

He took a very long puff n looked at me.

Babu: Madam you are the best person I have met in my life. Till now rich people have always treated us bad, but you on the other hand are so kind with us. Rafiq bhai is true when he calls you an angel.

A: Oh thank you so much. But it is normal for me, I don’t think I am doing any favor to you doing all this.

Babu: Yes that because you have very big heart.

Saying this he was directly staring at my boobs, then I realized I haven’t put on duppatta but now I was enjoying the attention I was getting so I wasn’t at all objecting to that.

Now my cigarette was over so I was just standing there and all of sudden he hold his cigarette infront of me, I was surprised by his very bold move and looked to him.

Babu: Madam, yours is over. Please take this, we shall share.

I was bit uncomfortable to share it with a labor guy not because I haven’t done it before but I thought I may be leveraging them too much.

A: No that’s fine. You do it.

But he then did some weird thing, he inhaled the smoke and blew it on my face and again held the cig infront of me, speak very seductively

Babu: Try it madam.

That smell made weak in my mind and I took it from his hands and kept between my lips, it felt like kissing his lips. This thought made shiver run through my spine. Somehow I was about to overcome this thought while inhaling the smoke, he again spoke out

Babu: Madam please blew the smoke on my face.

My mind was in complete dilemma but unfortunately it wasn’t in my control, so without thinking I blew the smoke on his face. He closed his eyes and made such expression like he was getting an orgasm, looking at his expression I felt so ashamed that I wasn’t able to look at him.

I again took another puff and without him telling me anything, I again blew it on his face. He again made those expression and I was dying in same. I moved my face away from him and my ears listen him saying

Babu: Madam, the combined smell of smoke and your sweet mouth is so amazing that I couldn’t resist to close my eyes and feel your mouth around me.

My cheeks turned red in shame due his comment and I decided not to face him. But he came closer n snatched cig from my hands, I could sense him inhaling the cig, so I decided to go inside but he held my hand so I stopped, suddenly his hands went to my chin n turned my face towards him and before I could react I could sense the smoke on my face. I already has closed my eyes so unable to understand his position but in moment I could feel his breath on my face, I came back to senses with that and immediately rushed into my room.

My heart was beating very fast

A (in mind): Oh my god, what is happening? How I am not able to suppress my feelings? Are these guys intentionally teasing me or I am feeling that way?

My mind was so much in dilemma unable to understand what should I do, I heard footsteps coming towards me, and I immediately rushed in bathroom n closed the door. I could hear him going out of my room. I was feeling so awkward with the recent happening, I wasn’t sure about how am I going to face them.
It was almost end of the day so I was sure that this isn’t going to stretch and help me overcoming my feelings.
I didn’t have the courage to go out and face them, but I heard knock in sometime my heart beats rose a lot. I gathered some courage and open the door, fortunately it was Renga so far nothing has happened between us so I was a bit comfortable facing him. He informed me that they are done for the day and are leaving now. So step outside of my room just to close the door behind them.
As I went to living room all of them were standing there with their bags pack, Babu and rafiq were looking at me and giving mischievous smiles, I didn’t dare to look into their eyes I just replied with faint smile. All of them went outside and I was about to close the door, suddenly Rafiq came near n said

Rafiq: Madam I hope you are loving our work?

A: Yes

Rafiq: That’s good, you don’t worry, we shall work very hard and give you the satisfaction you are looking from us.

I was so stunned with his words and before he could say anything I closed the door n locked it. My heart was racing like horse, I didn’t know what next is going to happen with me.

I engaged myself with household chores, but all the today’s events were running in my mind. I waited for my husband but he turned up very late, I was so anxious and wanted to sex as I was aroused, but on the other hand he was so tired that he went to bed immediately after dinner.

My sexual frustration was going up bit by bit and those bastards were adding fuel in my burning body. Here I was having tough time in controlling the fire in my body, with all the frustration I went asleep after some time lying in bed near my husband.

Next morning I woke up n found my hands on my pussy, I was so ashamed of my own slutty behavior. Thank god that my husband didn’t see it as he was still asleep. I finished my bath and wondering what to wear today, as I didn’t want to expose a lot to them but also at the same time I wanted to tease them a bit.

So first I put on the pair of sexy black push up bra and black bikini panty, after going a bit through the wardrobe I decided to wear red tight leggings and above that the yellow kurti which was short just finished below my ass and tight enough to show my curves, the kurti has buttons in front the neck, also the neck design was bit low than the regular, enough to have glimpse of my cleavage even if I am not bending. I clipped my washed hairs, put on light make up, tied up long mangalsutra in my neck and observed myself in the mirror. I wasn’t looking slutty but sexy wife. I blushed myself on this look.

I finished my daily chores, made breakfast then I and my husband had breakfast, my hubby was getting ready for the office and then doorbell rang, I was bit excited listening that, I rushed to open the door. But before getting through the door, I have to pretend to be decent. So I put on the red duppatta above all to cover my bosoms. And opened the door, all of them were smiling at me, I also return the smile and welcomed them and locked the door behind.

Before they do any mischief I said

Amruta: You start your work, husband is inside, and he will come n talk with you.

All of them behaved very professionally, my husband came out and discussed with them about the work, while I went and prepared tea for all of us and went out to give them. My husband was in rush so he asked to look over the work and he has explained them what is required and he then left for his office.

I gave the tea to all three of them and went back to my room carrying one cup of tea, I wanted to have it while looking at my mails, but I hear a knock so I open the door, to my amusement babu was standing there with his cup of tea.

A: What happened? You need something?

Babu: Madam I like to smoke with tea, it gives a good refreshment.

I smiled at him and directed him to balcony and turned to my bed.

Babu: Madam?

A: Yes?

Babu: This doesn’t look good.

A: What are you saying?

Babu: I will smoke and you won’t.

A: No babu, it is too early I don’t wanna smoke this early.

I smiled and refused.

Babu: Madam Come on, nothing happens, don’t worry. You will be refreshed and energetic.
I wanted to refuse but he was insisting so much and I couldn’t refuse, so I took my cig pack and went to balcony. I offered him one but he said

Babu: Why to smoke different cig, when we can share one.
I put the cig in my mouth but the other one was busy with tea cup so he did the honor of lighting my cig, I was pleased to be served like this, I took a puff and smoke out smiling at him. While I took one more puff of the cig some of the ash drop on my duppatta as I didn’t shred it away after the first puff. He quickly reminds me of it and I cleaned it.

Babu: madam why don’t you remove your duppatta, it just could have caught the fire from cig.

A: But….

Babu: Madam nothing to be shy of us. Don’t you trust us?

I can’t say no to that so I went inside and removed duppatta. Now good amount of cleavage was visible due to low neck design of my kurti, even though all buttons in front were closed, also half of my mangalsutra was visible, other half was buried inside my boobs. I was returning in balcony, as I was about to step outside room, Babu blew the smoke on my face, I didn’t even got time to react, but little shiver ran in my body.

Immediate reaction from my side was to close my eyes, to prevent the smoke going inside it.

Babu: Madam, this is how we smoked yesterday, even you forget I won’t be forgetting.

And he laughed on me, I was standing like fool without understanding what to react. He handed over the cig to me and I also unknowingly blew the smoke on his face, he came close to me and make expression like he is having an orgasm. I was shy for his behavior so turned my head around, he snatched the cig from my hand, due to rush some of the ash dropped on my upper boobs, which was open due to low neck. As I noticed it and was about to clean, his rough hand came and rubbed on my soft upper boobs, I was confused, before I could say anything, and he spoke out
Babu: Madam, I just didn’t wanted your soft n smooth skin burn so I cleaned it immediately. I hope you didn’t mind.

Amruta: It’s not like that but I would have done it.

I somehow gathered courage and reply shyly. I saw him smiling on my answer, I didn’t realize that my submissive behavior would be taken as the positive signal and encourage their boldness.

He came closer to me, I got scared but didn’t move from my place.

Babu: Madam, your skin is smooth, I felt like moving hand on malai (Milk Cream)

I blushed to his comment and looked down.

Babu: You tell me, would any burn looked good on it?

I nodded in no.

Babu: Exactly, that’s why I didn’t wait until you clean and immediately cleaned it myself.

Amruta: Thank you for that.

I took me time to realize that I got trapped in his word and instead of scolding him I thanked him for touching me without my permission, but now there was no point of return. He took that to his advantage and came even closer to me and directly took his face near my cleavage.

A: What are you doing?

My breath was increasing.

Babu: Madam, just checking if entire ash is cleaned.

He took another puff and blew it inside my cleavage, by pulling my kurti little bit ahead, widening the cleavage.

I immediately moved inside and rushed to kitchen, without letting the things getting out of my hands. My heartbeat has increased, I spent time there and took peek in my room, and he was no longer to be seen. So I came inside and locked the door,

A (In mind): Oh my god, where are these thing heading? If it continue to happen this way, I won’t be able to control myself.

I felt bit pressure on my bra, my hand went to check it and to my surprise, my nipples were erect, tough my mind was controlling the thoughts but unfortunately my body wasn’t cooperating with the mind. I opened my office mails and spent some time there just to divert my mind from those people. But I wasn’t sure till what time I would be able to control it.

May be an hour would have gone, I heard knock on my door, now heart beat had already rose, I didn’t know what next going to happen, I slowly went there and open the door, this time Rafiq was standing there, his mouth had gutkha which I can see clearly as he was still chewing it.

I was surprised to see him, as he had removed his shirt and only was in brief on top, it had some holes and his most of dark hairy chest was visible and some sweat was running on his chest.

R: Sorry Madam, there is lot of heat in here so I had to remove the shirt. I hope you don’t mind.

A: No, that’s fine.

Rafiq: Madam, I need to talk to u.

A: What happened any issue?

I didn’t invite him to come inside but just was talking with him at the door only.

R: No issue madam, just yesterday when we went from here, I had another work to finish so I didn’t had sleep properly.

Now my heart skipped a bit, I thought he will ask to sit in my bed. His eyes were roaming on my cleavage. As he spoke I could smell the gutkha, the smell of gutkha and his body sweat was having adverse effect on my body, I was trying my best to suppress my thoughts.

A: So, you can go then home.

R: No no, you have misunderstood.

A: then?

R: I just want to have some more tea.

His statement relived me.

A: Oh, I shall give it to me.

R: but I have another request.

A: What?

R: Madam you are high class people and prefer to have to normal tea, but people like us prefer “KADAK” tea.

(He stressed on word KADAK, which has double meaning in hindi, it means strong and also sometime hard. I didn’t realize what he meant that time, but he then rubbed his hand on his hard on.)

A: Ok I will make it.

R: Madam, do you mind if I help you making it.

A: Why? I can make it.

R: No just once I will tell you how we like to have so next time you can make it accordingly.

I felt that advice would be useful rather than making tea more time so I nodded yes to him. He was happy to oblige. He rushed
behind me, we went near the kitchen platform, and our kitchen has nice privacy as it is not visible from any other room.

At first he stand near me and started instructing me.

R: Madam place the pot on the stove.

A: I know that.

I smiled at his innocence. He too gave me lecherous smile, with gutkha in his mouth, I immediately rushed my attention back to the stove and pour some water in the pot to boil. Suddenly I sensed he was standing at my back, to be honest I didn’t had courage to look back at him or say something, the sweat smell was making damaging effect and I felt like heat started to grow in my body, heart beat elevated, thought he wasn’t touching me anywhere.

He asked me to put 5 tea spoon tea powder in it.

A: 5? For just three cups.

I asked him with surprise.

R: Madam, I told you I like it KADAK.

And with that he came even closer, now I was able to sense his breath on my back.

R: Madam, the stove wasn’t visible from that far so I came close.

A: ok

I nodded ok like a fool, when I could have told him to watch it from sideways. But my mind wasn’t working that time, so I just kept mum and that encouraged him to bolder. Now his head was near my face and he was having a very nice view of my boobies from the top, due to low neck design.

R: Madam, let it boil for some time. Hotter is better.

I stood there like statue, while he moved towards me a bit and now I could clearly feel his tip of his cock touching my ass, he covered me by putting his both hands around my arms, it was literally like hugging from behind, I was getting tense, my mind went blank but he asked me

R: Isnt it true?

A: What?

R: Hotter is better, more things get hot more KADAK are they.

And he pushed is hard cock on my ass, I started to get sweaty, as already the smell of gutkha, his body sweat was turning me on and now he getting physical was like pushing me into the valley of lust, where there is simply no chance of returning.

R: Madam where are you lost? I asked you something.

I just nodded my head in yes.

His bare hands were touching my bare hands, as he was in his briefs and my kurti was sleeveless. His cock was rubbing on my ass, our faces were near each other, and his beard hairs were poking in my smooth skin.
R: Madam now put 5 spoon sugar.

I was in no position to question him, I just followed his directions.

R: Madam it’s really hot in here. Isn’t it?

A: yes

R: look you also have started to sweat.

He did unthinkable that he put his one finger on my lower neck and moved it on my upper boobies collecting the sweat n kept that finger in front of our faces. I was so ashamed and wanted to push him aside, slap him hard and run from there, but unfortunately that all was just running into my mind and nothing came to reality, my body just started to enjoy the touches.

R: Look madam how it has started to boil.
Though he was pretending to talk about the tea, we both knew he was talking about my body.

R: Madam are you feeling hot?

A: ummm yesss.

R: You should have worn more comfortable clothes. These seems very tight covering all your body, it would make your sweat more. Isn’t it?

A: Yesss.

I mindlessly responded while pouring milk into pot. He slowly raised his hand and open one button of my kurti.

A: What are you doing?

R: Madam just making you comfortable, don’t worry about it. Look you are sweating a lot.

He rubbed his finger on top of my open boobies and showed it to me. Due to gutkha in his mouth he wasn’t able to talk properly, all of sudden he pushed me on platform from behind and pulled one glass from the cabinet, before I could say anything, he spat gutkha in it.

R: Sorry madam, I wasn’t able to talk and if I had went to bathroom to spit it out, our tea would have spoilt.

I had become too dumb bitch that I even didn’t object to it, if somebody else would have done such thing, I swear would have killed him, but now I was like stupid submissive woman.

I was about to put the off, he spoke out

R: Madam don’t do it. Wait for some time, if you want to make it KADAK let it boil for some time.

I again did as he said, he was quick to adjust himself again, like his cock was now rock hard and managed the space in my ass crack.
It certainly felt big, but I wasn’t able to imagine its size, my body was just enjoying the roughness of man.

R: Oh really sorry.

A: What happened?

R: Looks like I dropped few piece of gutkha on you.

I looked down and saw few pieces on my cleavage, I looked around for cloth to clean, and he rushed to put his hand on my cleavage and rubbed it. Though it was few pieces and could go away easily, he wasn’t letting go my skin and was enjoying its smoothness. He pushed his hand a bit inside my kurti and went till top of my bra, he kept rubbing like that for few second and also slowly started dry humping me.

I was too weak to protest his moves and was just going with the flow. Finally he gave a squeeze to my one boob n pulled out the hand.

R: Madam I think the gutkha pieces are removed.

Saying this he smiled at me, he could see the lust in my eyes while I looked at him.

R: Looked like our tea is prepared, why don’t you pour it?

Though I was pouring the tea in the cups to serve them, my body was aching for his touch and he was enjoying looking at me in that stage. As I finished pouring tea, he asked

R: Madam, there seems some sweat on you. Will you clean it yourself, or should I help u?

A: Help me.

I manage to say this much only in low voice.

R: are you sure madam?

A: yes

That bastard has ignited fire in my body and now was teasing me.

With my approval, he again started rubbing slowly on my lower neck and then top of my cleavage, he rubbed there for a while and I closed my eyes in pleasure. I thrust my ass on his cock, he was happy to get some action from side, so he also pushed me in front such that my lower body was touching the kitchen platform and no further space to move.

R: Madam you wear too tight clothes, It is difficult to put hand inside.

Saying this he opened one more button of my kurti, grabbed my boobs over the bra and kneaded them slowly. As we were enjoying ourselves, we heard Renga calling Rafiq

Renga: Rafiq bhai, you have call on your phone.

Listening this Rafiq immediately pulled hands out of my kurti and went to living room, I came back to senses but now my body was on fire and I really needed to extinguish it. I waited for him to return but I could hear him talking on phone. The smells were completely filled in my nostrils, I looked around to find the glass he ad spat in it. I went near to it, took it in my hands and pulled it near my nose, I closed my eyes and inhaled the smell of it again, that smell made huge effect on my nipples and I could feel them trying to push my bra.

I was so much turned on by the smell and I was like hypnotized by lust, I took the glass near my mouth and my tongue licked few pieces inside, suddenly I realized someone standing near me.

I get hell scared and opened my eyes to found Rafiq standing in front of me. I as so shamed of my act that I couldn’t look up to him. He was enjoying my torment, he came very closer, hugged me tight and grabbed my ass in both of his hands.

R: Madam, there is emergency I need to go out now. I shall return in couple of hours. I don’t want to leave you but I will be back.
Saying he squeezed my ass one time and kissed my lips and went away. It all happened so fast that I really didn’t have time to react.
I was so much turned on by the smell and I was like hypnotized by lust, I took the glass near my mouth and my tongue licked few pieces inside, suddenly I realized someone standing near me.
I get hell scared and opened my eyes to found Rafiq standing in front of me. I as so shamed of my act that I couldn’t look up to him. He was enjoying my torment, he came very closer, hugged me tight and grabbed my ass in both of his hands.
R: Madam, there is emergency I need to go out now. I shall return in couple of hours. I don’t want to leave you but I will be back.
Saying he squeezed my ass one time and kissed my lips and went away. It all happened so fast that I really didn’t have time to react.

Now continued

My heartbeat was elevated very much due to the fondling and the sudden unexpected kiss, I had planned to tease these people little bit to have some fun but now I could sense that things have already going out of my hands.

Little bit of skin show was expected but unfortunately due to long period of sexual starvation in my body, my responses were extremely weak that while Rafiq was coming close I had clear idea that what is going to happen next but my body intentionally ignored those thoughts coming from my mind.

I was standing still near the kitchen counter like a statue as I was completely lost in those thoughts, I didn’t realized that I should correct my clothes and close two buttons of kurti, which was now showing good amount of cleavage even without bending.

Though how hard I tried to control my feelings but now the fire had already been ignited by the Rafiq, was not going to stop so easily. But I had very tough task to maintain my dignity as my earlier adventures were restricted outside but now everything was happening in my house only.

I came back to senses and put down the glass there on kitchen counter near the sink and rushed myself to my room, this time I locked it from inside but somehow my mind was running all the flashback of the recent happenings with Rafiq and my hands went to my boobs n slowly started to move on it, I was trying to have the feel which Rafiq has given me by suddenly pressing.

I went infront of mirror and stood there looking at myself, I admired my looks, I was really looking damn hot that way, sleeveless kurti hugging tightly to my body showing every bit of the curve, good amount of visible cleavage due to open buttons, I pressed one boobs winking myself at mirror thinking everybody have hots on my boobs, why shouldn’t they be I was admiring my 36C cup boobs. While my one hand went down my stomach to the crotch n I rubbed it reminding the touches of Rafiq, I rubbed my cunt little bit on the leggings itself and as expected my cunt was already flowing juices with this arousal. I didn’t understand when my eyes closed enjoying the pleasure of my touch and rubbing of cunt increased, I was lost in that pleasure but suddenly there was heavy knocking on the door, which made me come back to reality. I corrected the kurti n leggings though forgot to close the buttons.

I feel very shy in that state but with another knock I get tense thinking OMG who is going to be there now? I slowly went to the door and opened it to have a peek, there was Renga standing at door fully clothed and looking innocently at me. I feel bit relived as till now I had not much interaction with this fellow, so
I opened the door n he immediately questioned

Renga: Madam are you all right?

I was surprised by this question.

Amruta: Ya. Why?

I questioned him in suspicion.

Renga: Actually madam I am knocking your door from last 5 min, I was worried as you were not opening door.

Now I understood why he asked me, I had no idea that he was standing there while I was pleasuring myself. I felt so ashamed

A: Accc.. Actually I was taking nap.

I fumbled while answering.

Renga: Sorry madam, I had no idea. I was here to ask that we wanted a small drilling machine.

Before he complete his statement I said

A: how come you don’t have?

Renga: Madam we had bigger one, we asked sir in morning so he said there I small machine in your store room.

A: oh is it so? Let me ask him n tell you.

I said while moving away from door towards bed to get my phone, he was standing at door only. I called up my husband few times but he didn’t answer.

A: he is not answering and I don’t know where it is. So you need to wait till I hear from him.

Renga: Madam he told us it is in store room, please have a look may be you will find it. The work will stop without it and if we sit idle for some time Rafiq bhai will scold us.

A: Ok fine, we shall have look there.

We had very small room as the store room actually it was utility room but with recent renovation work we had put lot of stuff in there mostly scrap so it was a big kind of mess. We entered the room all stuff was lying there and we keep looking for it.

I was working on it with full concentration and suddenly he said look it is there, I turned back to him asking where? It was near me only but due to my sudden turning my hand struck it n that machine fell down behind old steel almirah, as we saw that both of us exclaimed Oh shit.

With that spontaneous reaction I couldn’t control to laugh, so he too and we laughed on it.

He asked me to step aside and he shall try to get it out. So step aside he came n bend down to take it but he couldn’t get that as it was stuck between the almirah and heavy trunk, it went down so his hands weren’t reaching there.

Renga: Madam what have you done, I am unable to reach the machine, its very small so it has went deep inside.

I started to curse myself for being so stupid, but he got up n said

Renga: madam there is one way we can pull it out.

A: What?

Renga: See there is small gap downside of almirah if we can push the machine little bit, then it can be removed from top.

A: Great then push it.

Renga: That’s the problem madam, my hands are heavy I tried to push it but I am unable to move the hands in that gap.

A: Then?

He suddenly hold my hands and I was surprised with his move and tried to pull them back but his grip was firm on my wrist. He completely ignored my struggle n said
Renga: See madam your hands are small, I think you will be able to push it from there.

I was feeling so uncomfortable that without thinking I said

A: ok ok let me try.

And pulled back my hands, he too immediately released them.

Renga: madam you need to get on your knees.

A: ya I am doing it.

I replied with bit of irritation. I got on my knees and try to analyze how to get, so now I was completely like in Rockygie position but here I have to bend in that position to get hold of the machine. Whenever I bend a little, my toes used to raise from ground.

I was getting anxious as I wasn’t getting hold of that stupid machine. So I bend more but this time I lost my balance and was about the band my head in heavy trunk but Renga was quick enough to catch my waist and save my head from getting injured. I immediately say back and thanked him, so he spoke out

Renga: Madam, if you don’t mind I have suggestion.

A: What?

Renga: I can hold you by waist so that you won’t lose balance and get hurt.

I thought and realized that he makes sense and it would be matter of few seconds, as with support I will be able to bend more and can pull the machine immediately so without realizing the implications I agreed to let him hold my waist while I will be bending in Rockygie position.

I bend down n stretch myself in order to get hold of the machine, he grabbed me by my waist and moan left from my mouth uuuuuuummmmmm

Renga: What happened madam?

A: Nothing.

I tried getting it but it was difficult than I imagined, though I was able to touch the machine but it was stuck heavily so even with my pushed it wasn’t moving a bit. So I tried pushing it hard and again I was about to lose balance I found Renga has hugged my waist by putting his hand around it and pulled me back.

I was so much startled with his sudden move that I immediately moved n turned back

A: What the hell are you doing?

Renga: Madam please don’t get angry, you were falling so there was only one way to pull you back.

A: Why don’t you hold me properly?

I replied him angrily, I was being angry on him but then I realized he did it to save me. So I replied him little calmly

A: please hold properly so that I won’t fall and you don’t have to pull me back.

I again bend down to try harder, this time I could sense that Renga has come close to me and was holding my waist tightly. We were in such a position that if someone has seen us they would think that we are fucking in Rockygie style. But my mind wasn’t thinking about it I just wanted to finish it ASAP and get out of there, so this time I was trying to push harder. In that process he was fully taking advantage of the situation and started to feel my waist with his hand. I could understand this but I was already aroused so didn’t object to his move, I was being so lame that I didn’t realize this would gave him more courage to be more bold and all of sudden he said

Renga: Madam wait.

I try to move back but he pushed my back with his hand and make me stay in same position,

Renga: Don’t get up, let me hold it properly.

I was in such state that I didn’t reply him n stayed in same position. I could feel he coming very close to me, he lifted me by my waist spread my legs apart n came in between them in such a position that my legs were on sides of his body, his crotch was directly touch in my fully covered pussy, as I feel his hard on.

A: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

A moan escaped my mouth, he was beyond caring about my reaction now

Renga: Madam this cloth is really slippery.

Saying he pushed my kurti upside, now almost 3 inches of gap was there between my kurti and leggings he hold me by my naked waist n said in commanding tone

Renga: Now its good, you wont slip now. Come on madam, hurry up we have to do lot of work.

I like obedient servant resumed my work on the machine, but this time it was very difficult as I was aroused as hell and his such movements were making me impossible to work, however hard I tried to ignore the same.

He was now completely feeling my naked waist with his hands without any fear, slowly his hand movements on my naked skin were arousing me more n more, and my cunt was releasing more and more juices. All of sudden he bend down with head behind me

Renga: Madam

A: ummmmmmm

Renga: are you getting it?

A: I ammmm tryinggggggg

I managed to whisper.

Renga: madam please push it hard.

A: I am doing it.

Renga: Madam if you don’t mind I can help you a bit.

A: You can help then please help.

Renga: I will push you from behind so that you can push the machine more.

A: Ya that’s good idea. Please push me little.

I said to him being stupid, as my brain had completely stopped working and I was just going with the flow, my mind was in full state of arousal and this moment I was just thinking about a good fuck.

My approval was green signal for him to proceed what he has started. As I nodded he gave stroke directly on my pelvis region with his pelvis region (we were fully clothed that time), I was bit surprised with this boldness but lust in mind was more dominant so I enjoyed his push.

Renga: Madam this push is ok?

A: uuuuuummmm

I couldn’t manage to say more than a moan. But he wasn’t convinced with my moan so he again stroked it harder next time

Renga: Madam please tell me if this hard is ok?

A: uuuuuuuummmmmmmmm

Bigger moan escaped my mouth, I was enjoying this moment and so much lost in it that I didn’t wanted to talk more. But he stroked one more time and slapped my ass.

Renga: Speak out madam.

A: yaaa just little hardddd

I managed to say this while moaning. This made him happy and he started stroking it hard now, with hard pushes I had already managed to push the machine up but now we both were not bothered about the stupid machine and my hands were resting on the sides of almirah, he was dry humping me, suddenly my phone started ringing, and I knew due to ring tone that my husband is calling but I was stuck in the dilemma I wanted to enjoy but what will he think if I didn’t receive call, in this dilemma I just stayed there. I really wanted to have a cock inside my pussy as I had enough of fondling today, so I reciprocated my ass to his strokes ignoring the call, I tried to grab his cock with my hand just to signal him to fuck me
But again the phone started ringing and I was scared this time, so I push him aside got up n ran to bedroom to get the phone. I didn’t bothered to correct the clothes. I went n received call

Hubby: Hey baby where are you?

A: Sorry darling I was in washroom so got late.

Hubby: Are you called me up few times and then you weren’t responding I was really worried.

A: Oh really sorry dear, I just called you to ask about the small drilling machine.

I was speaking on phone and trying to control the situation, as I turned around I was shocked to see Renga was coming towards me slowly while looking lustily at me and rubbing his cock on the trouser. I was tense with his behavior I immediately signaled him to stop near the door itself and fortunately he stopped there but was still looking towards me, rubbing his cock.

H: are its there only in store room near the old almirah.

A: ya don’t worry we got it and they are working now.

H: Ok then, anyways I am on the way to home now and reaching there in half hour. We shall talk once I am there. Bye.

A: ok bye.

I was surprised to that he was coming too early today and thanked the god if I didn’t had received the call, today he would have definitely caught me in action as he don’t ring the bell, he has key he directly come inside. I had my eyes close in relief but that didn’t make me realize that renga has entered in bedroom and standing close to me.

As I sense that he is standing close to me, I open my eyes and wanted him to leave, but I could see his eyes were full of lust. But stood firm this time as I didn’t wanted to take any chances, so I firmly told him.

A: Please you go from here, my husband is on the way to home and shall be here in 15 min.

Even though I said this, he didn’t move an inch rather said me

Renga: Madam please look at this, look what have you done?

While he said this, he immediately removed his rock hard cock out of the pants and showed it to me, it just again ignited some as I saw his cock, it wasn’t very big but would be around 6” and 2.5” in thickness but that anyways was enough for my pussy which didn’t have good fuck in while. But I controlled my mind n said him

A: Listen my husband is coming now please leave from here.

Renga: Madam you please understand and do something for him.

He said coming close to me while stroking his cock.

A: No No you please go from here, and what you want.

Renga: Madam I will stroke it just let me stroke it looking at your sexy body.

A: ok do it fast.

I just wanted to get rid of him so I said n started organizing my room, after 5 min I realize he is still standing there and looking at me lustily, I got pissed off

A: hey finish it off, my husband is coming. What the hell are you doing?

Renga: Madam it is taking time and I am not going till I cool him off as it is hurting me a lot.

I got so irritated and also scared that my husband shall come in next 20 min and this bastard was masturbating in my bed. I then realized that if he cum here I may not be able to clean it immediately and my husband would notice it.

A: please go inside bathroom and do it, don’t create mess here.

Renga: Madam you aren’t there so I have to do it here only.

He said giving shameless smile to me, I was again irritated so I decided to take control of it and finish it immediately before my husband arrives n it would lead me to some serious trouble. So I said

A: Lets go in bathroom n finish it asap, I don’t want any trouble for myself.

He was more than happy to listen this and entered in bathroom, I followed him n closed the door of bathroom and ask him to finish it fast. He started masturbating looking at my cleavage, but here I was scared to I moved n hold his cock and started stroking it, he was in heaven as I took hold of his cock.
Just to extend his pleasure I kiss his mouth, he became wild with it and responded my kiss. He wasn’t good kisser at all, he was very sloppy but I wanted it to get over but even after 5 more min I didn’t find him close to cum so I moved n remove one more button of my kurti, now my top bra portion was visible with huge amount of my cleavage, I pushed his head on my cleavage,

Like a mad Rocky he started licking my cleavage and his one hand was playing with my ass, now that much pleasure was enough for him to cum, so within 2 min he cum heavily on the bathroom floor and I kept stroking his cock till the last drop come out.

As soon as he cum, I pushed him aside and said

A: you got more than enough so please go out, my husband would be here anytime.

He obediently went out and I washed the floor with water and flushed his cum, cleaned my hands. I rushed out of bathroom and corrected my clothes and took my duppatta and was ready just as I was before my husband left for office. But my mind was in different state, my heart beat were elevated, I was all thinking that I have given him hand job and even let him play with my boobs, how hardly he dry humped me. I thought how the driver javed has changed me, before him I was pious wife loyal to my husband even after he left I still had controlled myself well, but now I knew this is not going to stop unless all three fucked me right here in my own house, on even on the bed where my husband fucks me.

But was it going to be just casual fuck? Or those low class men going to do something more than just fucking? Only time has the answer.
After I masturbated Renga, I cleaned all the mess, also wash my hands, face and corrected all the clothes. Now anytime husband was supposed to be here, so I started my work on laptop, though I opened the laptop but all I was able to do is to stare at the screen because of majorly two reasons, I had lost my control which I decided would not lose and now was about to cross limits with these labors and most important was that these labors had awakened the slut inside me once again.

Now I desperately needed the cock inside me, as though I played with them but they felt my body and didn’t even touch my cunt and due to hurry I wasn’t even able to masturbate. My cunt was high on need of the attention if she didn’t get it today tomorrow she is going to be even wilder.
These chain of thoughts broke when hubby opened the bedroom door and called me

H: Hey where are you lost? I called you two three times from door.

A: Sorry I was stuck in office work. When did you came?

I faked the smile and put down the laptop, now my biggest hope was my husband so I wanted him to fuck me hard tonight and also he was early so my plan started to run in my mind to turn him on wildly. He went inside bathroom to freshen up and here I was planning to seduce him and get fucked hard. So I was looking for some slutty clothes, I heard the doorbell so I went to answer it.
As I open the door, I found Rafiq was standing in front of the door, I immediately rush towards my room as I was feeling bit awkward. I was about to reach my bed door, I found someone hugged me from behind. I was startled with sudden attack, when I turn around I found Rafiq was hugging me, I immediately pushed him away and slowly said

A: Are you mad? My husband is inside room, behave yourself.

As I said it, he too got scared and immediately went back to hall where work was going. I came back to room and my husband also came out of bathroom, as he came out I went near him n hugged him

A: Baby, thank god you are back early today. We shall spend some quality time.
Saying this I wink n hold his cock. He too was surprised by horniness.

H: Oh baby sure, I will fuck your brains out today.

He too responded in vigor by slapping my ass.

H: But before that we have to attend one party.

A: What? Why?

I felt bit angry as already was horny and didn’t wanted to waste an opportunity to be fucked.

H: Are its my cousin’s birthday n he has invited us to hotel.

A: hey come on. I thought you came early for me.

I got upset and turned my back to him, I sense my mood and hugged me from behind and whisper.

H: Yes baby I came here for you only. I haven’t made good love to my sexy wife and I want to spend all night making love to you.

He was moving his hands from my waist to upwards and same time tickling on my neck, I again started to get horny. He groped my boobs and keep kneading them while kissing softly on my neck and behind ears.

H: All night and even all day tomorrow, I am going to be with you my darling. So don’t worry we shall have lot of fun.

A: Wow that’s great as you will be home tomorrow.

I was happy and then again I realized that carpenters work is going to get finished so they won’t be here day after. My mind was in some weird state but then I felt it’s good that he will be here, at least it will save me from committing adultery once again.

H: Yes my sexy wife, so now get ready fast we have to leave in 40 min and once we back.

He spanked my ass and press boobs, I will not going to let you rest.

A: oh I am waiting darling.

Saying I also bit my lips and grabbed his cock and laughed by pushing him.

A: But what about the workers outside, we cant keep them alone in house.

H: Don’t worry its already 5.30, so I will ask them to leave little early for today.

He went out to discuss with them meanwhile I went to wardrobe, I was horny so I wanted to wear something slutty and tease my hubby so he shouldn’t wait to tear my cunt after coming home, but when I asked him the venue we were going to some plush restaurant so I realized that too much reveling dresses would make bad impression there. So I was searching something that would be good enough to tease my husband but at the same time should not make me look vulgar.

My hubby returned after few min

H: So they are leaving now and would be coming early to work tomorrow as only finishing work is remaining and they said by tomorrow later it would be finished.

A: That’s great, now you go organize yourself while I get ready.

Firstly I wanted some hot lingerie to wear under the dress to give my husband a nice show of my sexy assets. So I choose a sexy red push up bra having black net from front side and even sexier lacy panty black from front and red behind.

[Image: Newest-Women-Push-Up-Bra-Sets-Sexy-Lace-…ngerie.jpg]

Few minutes of search I found out one gown, it full length party gown with noodle straps, having buttons from top to bottom, not much tight fitting to reveal my lower body but quite bold on the top portion little bending could give nice glimpse of my boobies with my half open back.

[Image: 68625678.jpg]

[Image: Monalisa-Hot-Images-5.jpg]

I put on little bit of makeup and red lipstick matching with the shade of my gown, kept my hairs loose to cover my exposed portion from the gown as my target was to arouse only my hubby and not all the restaurant. I had black heels so decided to put them on. I saw myself in mirror and blushed to myself as I was looking decently hot and not at all vulgar. Right then my husband was back in room after sending workers away and locking main door.

As he saw me infront of mirror, he came n hugged me tight, tried kissing my lips but I pushed him away.

A: Not now baby, you will ruin my lipstick.

H: Darling please don’t do this to me, you are looking so sexy and not even allowing me to come closer.

A: Ya that punishment for my hubby who didn’t have time for me and now also taking me to party.

H: Oh forget party I want you now.

Saying he again came close to me and tried to kiss, but ran away laughing at him.

A: No no, you won’t get anything until we come back.

I teasingly laughed and went in hall, the workers were gone some of their stuff was lying there and made me remind of them, so to distract I kept scrolling some apps in my phone, my hubby got ready in 5 min and we went down took out of our car and headed for the party.

We went to part, it was a nice plush restaurant in the town and his cousin family was always there. I was most boldly dressed among all the family ladies, so I could sense that most of the eyes in restaurant were towards me.

As we were young couples only without any senior family members, so I didn’t have to be worried about my clothing.

His cousins being very decent that they didn’t gave my any uncomfortable look or didn’t try to make any lewd gesture, so I decided to take this opportunity to tease my husband so that when we return to the home he will be very much excited and I won’t have to take any additional efforts to arouse him.
So I switched my seat to right in front of him and in between talking I would touch his legs with mine giving him smile.

Initially he gave me the attention but as he finishes couple of pegs all the boys started talking about their offices, politics and al kind of nonsense stuff, which was totally boring for me. So I try to get into conversation with the ladies and soon our talks continued, I was still trying to tease my husband and pushed my legs on his, but to my utmost surprise he pulled it back, I was very angry with his move.

I didn’t expect him to do that, so I gave him angry look and continued my talks with the ladies. Soon I notices there was nice young handsome guy sitting with his girlfriend across our table n we both can see each other.

I felt naughty and decided to tease him, I gave little glances towards him while sipping my drink and he also was looked at me, we had eye contact for just couple of seconds but that was enough for me to keep him interested.

Next time when he looked towards me I immediately gave him nice seductive smile and pulled my hairs backside to expose him my lower neck, that rose his interest and he kept frequently looking at me.

Now it was teasing and enjoying time for me, still I was very cautious as I didn’t wanted someone from our table to notice me teasing him so I completely engaged myself into talks while kept moving my upper body to give him a nice view.

I could sense him getting excited but he was unable to do anything as he was with his gf. I adjusted myself such that now I was completely facing him but at the same time wasn’t looking at him but giving a good view of my upper body.

Meanwhile I check my husband but he was so much busy with his drinks and talk that he wasn’t even looking at me. That give me a bit more of freedom to tease the guy and I dropped the spoon down the table and bend down to get it, as my dress was deep neck, he was able to see my 40% of the boobs, I remained in the same pose for few seconds and got up.

I notice little bulge in his pants, as I looked down his table, so I winked at him and resumed my dinner conversation.

Within 5 min one of the ladies asked me to accompany her to restroom, we excused us and went to restroom. I was bit scared as I thought she noticed me doing it and she may say something to me but she didn’t spoke a word.

We came out and she realized she forgot something so she went inside again, the same time I saw that guy coming to washroom and this time it was my turn to be tense, as he came close I looked other ways but he came closer to me n I looked at him, within fraction of minute he handed over one tissue to me and went away.

I checked it was his cell number, I immediately put that in pocket of my dress and went back to table.

Now I thought the things are getting bolder I turned away from him and didn’t looked till we left. Meanwhile I was completely unaware about my husband and when I noticed he was very much drunk and that triggered anger in me as I was now sure that with this drunk he won’t be able to fuck me and I have to sleep dry again.

But being with the relatives I just kept quite till end of the dinner and we went back to car, he was so drunk that he wasn’t able to walk properly, one of his cousin supported him to the car. That was very embarrassing for me as this was a family restaurant and my husband’s behavior was like drunkard in some cheap bar.

All of them could sense from my expressions that how embarrassing I was, but then one of his cousin said me that my husband is feeling some issues in office so he got carried off and drunk too much. I felt bad for him as I listen this but still I was disappointed as I desperately needed a nice fuck and now I knew it wasn’t possible. So disappointedly I sat in the car.

As my husband was very much drunk, I only had to drive the car to back home. I was also drunk but somehow I managed to drive back to home. On the way he kept blabbering about how much he loves me and how he is going to fuck me hard. I felt bad for him as I knew he didn’t do it intentionally but he won’t be able to fuck me tonight due to highly drunk. But still I didn’t say him anything and let him do whatever he wants, on the way he kept touching me and tried to kiss me but as I was driving I pushed me back on his seat.

He was unable to understand that he is too drunk and won’t be able to do anything with me, but his small moves were igniting the fire inside my body. I also had few drinks so it wasn’t hard for me to be aroused and also I had been fondled earlier without any orgasm, so even slight of touch at right places were sufficient enough for my cunt to release the juices.

Finally we reached home and I parked our car, I tried to take him out but he is really heavy and I also being drunk was feeling little tipsy so even after lot of attempt I wasn’t able to take him out of the car. I tried to look around but it was 1.30 at night so everybody was probably asleep, so I was really tense thinking how am I going to take him home. Then I saw watchman at the get and felt relief, I rushed to him and asked for the help

A: Hello Bhaiya

As I call him, he turned towards me and was looking with his mouth open, as because of my dress my shoulder and lower neck was pretty visible. So he kept looking at me without responding, so I have to call him again

A: bhaiya excuse me??

With my second call he came back to senses and replied.

W: yes madam, what are you doing at this time?

A: actually I need your help.

W: yes madam please

He said in happiness.

A: my husband is quite drunk and I am not able to take him inside home to can you please help me to get him at home?

W: yes sure, no problem madam. Just give me a moment.

He rushed to gate and locked it to prevent intruders inside the society.

We came near car and he then pulled him out and I locked the car, we started to move towards the lift. I and watchman were holding my husband from sideways and he kept blabbering in intoxication mood but I decided to ignore his non sense blabber. But he was so much high that he didn’t even realize that watchman is carrying him along with me to our flat.
In high drunk state only his hands started roaming on my body, he even tried to grope my boobs, I had to struggle hard to keep him preventing him doing that as we had watchman with us. He was noticing my molestation by my own husband and I think he was also enjoying my discomfort.

Because I feel his one hand which was holding my husband’s back slowly started to brush my hand and my husband’s hands were sloppily moving on my boobs, which I had very hard time to control.

We slowly reached to the lift and our hands were bit tired so we made my husband rest on one side wall while holding him sideways, just to reduce loads on our hands. But I felt that watchman has kept his hand behind my husband only and started to caress my waist above the dress and my husband got hold of my boobs n started to press them, as he was drunk he wasn’t able to hold them properly and I was struggling to save my dignity.

We were about to reach our floor, I angrily push the hand of my husband from my boobs just to pull him up but on the contrary due to sudden push from my side, my top button of the dress came out and half of my cleavage was open and my hands were stuck on to hold my husband.

Watchman’s eyes were wide open to see so much of cleavage, he has never seen me so much exposed and I wasn’t able to cover it due to my hands were stuck and he was enjoying the show, here my idiotic husband had no idea that how he has exposed his hot wife to the watchman.

Now the watchman with his eyes glued to my cleavage, made a bold move of putting his one hand directly on my ass caressing it while he got hold my husband by other hand. I was so much embarrassed and aroused at the same time, I wasn’t able to scold him as I needed his help but all these fondling from multiple people today was making me horny as hell.

We somehow carried him to our bedroom, as soon as we dropped him on the bed, I immediately covered the button with my hand and restricted his view of my cleavage. He placed my husband neatly on the bed and then looked at me, I looked down as I was really embarrassed by what has happened.

I was honestly not feeling good because first time my husband had behaved so much weird, he never get so much drunk and due to him I had to be embarrassed in front of his cousins, restaurant people and now the watchman of our society. Unwantedly situation made me angry with my husband.

He came close to me and I realized that my husband is here (though a lot drunk) I rushed him to the door way, as I didn’t wanted to take any unnecessary risks. So I walked him out of the room, closing the door and took him to main door, I sense the disappointment on his face.

As firstly I had covered my dress and now he has to leave, while we went to the hall, I said to him

A: Thank you so much bhaiya.

W: It’s my pleasure madam.

He said licking his lips, while lecherously looking at my cleavage, now I had also removed my hands from the dress, so he was having a nice view of my exposed boobies.

A: I am really sorry bhaiya as you have to face a lot of trouble because of us.

W: don’t embarrass me madam, saying like this. I can do anything for you anytime.

Saying this he came close and hold my hands, as he was aware that I am also drunk and I surly won’t object him and as expected by him I also didn’t oppose him. This made him go bolder and came very close to me and hold my bare shoulders and said in lusty tone

W: Madam never hesitate to call me anytime for anything. I am available for you 24X7.

A: hmmmm

I was only able to say this, my eyes were closed due to arousal and him holding my by the shoulders. I was standing there like a statue with my eyes closed, forgetting where I am standing and my husband is inside on the bed.

I could sense he coming close and his hands traveled upwards slowly moving on my skin and hold my cheeks pulling my face upwards and slowly he planted kiss on my lips. I was blank in my mind so I remained like statue and he took it as green signal and kept kissing, within minute I feel my hands hold his waist and my lips responding to his kiss.

He got what he wanted and then pulled me close and hugged me while we kept kissing like romantic couple. My body was very much ready for this so I was lost in the kiss, his hands moved downwards and grope my ass, he wasn’t even letting me moan and kept kissing me and I too was responding to his kiss like a lover.

I was very much desperate for the kiss and even I have been fondled but I wasn’t kissed except one small kiss by Rafiq. He moved my hairs sideways and kissed one of the most erogenous part of my body that is the neck and with his kiss there I lost my all control and my hands went to his head and started caressing his hairs as he continued to kiss my neck.

He slid down further to my upper boobies which were already exposed due to the broken button, while his one hand continued playing my ass.

He opened one more button of my dress and was about to pull my bra down, we heard my husband calling me and sudden sound of something falling down. I immediately came back to my senses and pushed my away, he wasn’t expecting this and try to come close but I stopped him and we heard another call from my hubby

A: please you go from here.

I begged him, even though I didn’t wanted.

I understood the situation and with disappointed look, left our apartment. I closed the door and rushed to my room. I didn’t got time to correct my clothes. As soon I opened door of my bed, I found my husband was about to open the door from inside.

I had big relief that he didn’t saw me with watchman. My husband was struggling to stand so I rushed to him to provide support.

H: Darling where were you?

He said in drunken voice.

A: You please sleep, you aren’t able to even stand.

I replied in irritating tone and completely ignoring his question.

H: No baby I have promised to fuck you, so I will fuck.

A: you aren’t even able to stand, so you please sleep.

Saying I carried him and put on the bed, but he was adamant and he pulled me tried to kiss me. I was already aroused a lot, even though I knew he won’t be able to fuck me properly I responded to his kiss without any further argument.
He squeeze my boob roughly, I immediately pull out my dress and was there only in bra and panty. He tried to unhook my bra but was unable to do so, as he was drunk so I pull my cups down and offered him to suck, he tried but he kept moving due to alcohol. I knew now foreplay is just impossible to I pushed him on the bed and removed his clothes.

His cock was half erect, I hold it and went down to suck it, within a minute it got rock hard. I removed my panty and was about to ride him, he pushed me down and came up on me.

I spread my legs and guided his cock inside me as my long wait for the cock was finished. He pushed it inside and started stroking, but due to excessive alcohol, his strokes were totally uneven, so there also I take lead and started to move my as in rhythm to get fucked hard.

I started enjoying the pleasure and the orgasm also started to build inside me, but I wasn’t aware that moment that I will be deprived of the happiness. He started to cum inside me and collapsed on me.

I try to wake him up for second round but all in vain, he lost all of his senses and got almost unconscious. I pushed him away and went to bathroom, I was very much angry and frustrated that time I didn’t understand what to do.

If someone is hungry, keep it that way or feed them completely, if you keep them half fed, their hunger doubles.

The same was with me, I had controlled all the emotions and my sexual frustration but now the things were beyond my control as I was about to have an orgasm and I couldn’t had it.

Now I was in so much of the sexual heat that I wanted the cock urgently at any cost, my mind was beyond the thinking capabilities about the consequences.
I had only one option at this point of time and that was “the watchman”, I had kept him away deliberately as he could disturb my routine life, he knew everything about me and I had to see him every day, also he is going to be around all the time being the society watchman.

But alas bitch in heat has absolutely lost on the thinking and just wanted any cock to go inside and quench the thirst.

I went in that state to the store room window and had a glance outside, from there I could see the watchman cabin, though he won’t be able to see me as the room lights were off and we stay on 9th floor. I could see that he was watching towards my flat only and was smoking a cigg, I seriously wanted to have him at any cost.

So I wore the panty and pulled up the bra cups, wore a sexy nighty above it, but then I realize that I can’t call him up at the same time I cannot go downstairs like this. So I put a long robe on the same.

I was like hypnotized by the lust and my brain has stopped working, it was the lust which was now had taken control my body and mind.

After changing clothes and putting on the night with robe to cover my nudity, I locked my house door from outside carefully without making any noise, just taking care for not alerting our neighbor. I slowly walked down the corridor towards the lift.

A number of thoughts were running into mind while I was taking the walk, like few weeks back I was totally ignoring the watchman even scolded him few times and now I was actually going to him for getting fucked, that too by myself and without any try from his side.

If someone has told me this few weeks ago, I would have laughed on the stupid thought but here I was actually doing it and the surprising part was I was going to do this is our own society premises with the watchman on duty and most importantly at the time when my husband is sleeping in our own apartment. Oh god what kind of slut I have become? A thought ran my mind, but my mind and brain was totally lost in lust with no what so ever capacity of thinking of good or bad.

A society where I stay, I have maintained a very respectable image of mine. A strong, educated, cultured working woman who is deeply in love with her husband and absolutely no nonsense type. This image was the important reason of not paying any heed to any man from our society, least of all the watchman.

Previously I had strongly opposed this same watchman who tried to be funny with me, when I used to return from work at late night. Due to my reputation and image he was scared thereafter to make any advances towards me. Now the situation was completely opposite.

A chain of my thoughts broke when I heard that I reached ground floor from automated voice machine in the lift. I came back to my senses and walked out of the lift and stood there for few minutes, thinking whether to go ahead or not.

My cunt was on fire and beyond thinking about anything, so I slowly walked away from the lift, towards the security cabin with elevated heartbeats.

From distance only I could see he was smoking and looking towards my flat, he wasn’t able to trace me as the on the way in parking there was dim lights and also due to vehicles parked I wasn’t been seen.

I was thinking of some reason to go to him, as I don’t want to directly go and tell him to fuck me, though at the end I wanted the same to happen. My so called image was still keeping hindrance to my slutiness at least for now.

As he noticed me walking from the parking towards him, he seemed very surprised but he didn’t make any move and just keep staring me as I walk down. I went near his cabin where he sits, I had never observed it before as I never been so close to it.

Today while reaching him I overlooked the cabin, it was small cabin with small table and chair, few registers kept on the table and light was dim. As I went close to him he asked

W: madam what are you doing here?

A: Actually I came here to meet u.

W: Why?

A: Bhaiya actually what happened today was not good. My husband doesn’t behave this way.

W: I know it madam. He is one of the nice person in this society, you are very decent and respected family.

I said very coldly.

A: So I am requesting you, please do not tell what happened today.

W: Don’t worry about it madam. Why would I tell anyone?

A: you are very nice bhaiya, still I thought to discuss with you.

W: madam its my promise I wont tell it to anybody.
He said with smile and continued his smoke, to my utter surprise he didn’t mention about our kiss and not was even trying to make any advance on me. I wasn’t getting now how to take him, so I tried bit harder.

A: Bhaiya I also have another request.

W: Yes madam, what can I do for you?

A: actually I am very much stressed out at this point due to all what happened.

W: I can understand. So how can I help?

A: if you lend me cigg, it will be helpful.

W: What? What are you saying madam?

A: Very few people know about it bhaiya, not even my husband. So one more request to keep this secret also with you.

W: I am very much surprised at this, I never thought you would be smoking.

A: Please now don’t embarrass me by repeating it again. I have very bad day.

I said with very sad face which was about to cry, I think that melted his heart.

W: Madam please don’t be sad, sorry for saying that to you. Please take this, but don’t lit here you can go home and smoke.

He said, handing over the cigg to me.

A: Bhaiya I can’t go home, my husband doesn’t know about this, I have to smoke here only.

W: ok as you wish.

I looked around, at this time anyways nobody going to be here but still I wanted to be safe as if someone comes I would be caught. So I said him

A: Bhaiya can we go there and smoke, I don’t want anyone to see me. If someone comes from outside, they can see me.

I pointed him to the dark rear corner of our society, where there are no lights and also no one can see from that area from their home. If anyone comes from outside, I can hide somewhere. So I suggested him to go there and smoke. Also an important reason was that I was wishing him to get bolder there.

W: Yeah sure madam. I also don’t want anyone to know about your secrets.

He said winking at me. And then we went to the dark corner and he lit cigg and gave it to me.

I took a long puff and realized that it wasn’t the regular cigg but the one with weed. That was addition to the burning fire inside me and now I was really getting restless.

A: Bhaiya you are so nice, thanks for promising about the cigg.

W: No problem madam. You are really beautiful and its my pleasure that beauty like you is having smoke with me at this time.

He said with wicked smile.

I realized that I have to take bolder steps if I have to get laid so while smoking I loosened the knot of my robe and slightly moved it to show my lower neck region at the same time I stood slightly putting away my legs so that my one leg below the knee was visible to him. I looked at him and found staring at my legs.

So I step closer to him and tried to kiss him, but to my disbelief he stepped back and I looked at him.

W: Madam what are you doing?

A: the same we did in my flat.

I said in very seductive tone and again went close to him but he stopped me with his hands. I didn’t understand why he was doing this to me.

A: What happened bhaiya?

W: Madam I cant do this.

A: Why? Don’t you liked it when we did?

W: I liked it lot but then you send me away and again you will do the same. I don’t want to keep a hard on for all night.

He said holding his cock.

A: No I wont do that again.

W: How can I trust you?

A: What do you want so that you will trust me?

I was getting desperate now, as I was hell horny and weed had its own effect.

He looked at me with doubt.

W: Are you sure?

A: yes ofcourse I am sure, why else you think I came here.

I desperately said going close to him.

W: If you are serious then open your robe and drop it here.

A: But what if someone come?

I asked with doubt.

W: Ok come here.

He said and walked little bit to the darkest corner near the wall.

W: No one can see this place at this time unless they come here.

I looked around and opened my robe in haste and dropped it down. His eyes pooped out looking at me in nighty. It was short and transparent nighty which was showing off my inners. He couldn’t resist once he saw me in that and pulled me to kiss, I was already on fire and responded hardly to his kiss. I hugged him tight and my boobs pressed on his chest while we were kissing. His hands immediately went to my ass and groped it.

W: Oh madam, this ass is the best ass in society.

I felt proud for his remarks but responded him in kiss instead of the words.

We kept kissing for few minutes, I was moving my hands on his muscular body and opned his shirt buttons, he then stopped me. I looked at him with question.

W: Madam lets go to your flat.

A: No way, my husband is there.

W: So should we do it in open here?

With his question, I got struck by reality that we were actually making out in the open space.

A: No no, we cant do it in open.

W: Then we have only one option.

A: What?

W: Will show you.

Saying he pulled me towards the wall and opened the door there, immediately I got stung by the dirty smell. There was small toilet used by the sweepers and watchman.

A: Hey its too dirty.

W: Madam then lets go your flat or in open.

I was too horny to decide and I nodded him for toilet.

He pushed me inside with him and locked the door from inside.

There were very dim lights I could see it was Indian style toilet and all walls were dirty with paan, gutkha red stains and dirty images, also the toilet was literally stinking with smell of urine. He immediately hugged me and started kissing me, I too responded to his kiss and now open all his shirt buttons.

[Image: tumblr-n0aw7ra-LGy1tryedao1-500.gif]

He really had very nice body, it was well toned hairy body.

A: Wow you have such amazing body.

I said in admiration and kissed his hairy chest and started licking his nipple.

W: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

He moaned in ecstasy as I licked n sucked his nipple.

W: Madam you are such awasomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I kept doing my job playing with his nipples while my hands were admiring his upper body.

He couldn’t wait anymore and pulled me up and kissed my lips, now his hands went on my shoulder and slid down one side of night and then his mouth went down kissing my neck and lower neck.
I being desperate for action, pushed my bra cup down and pushed his mouth over my boobs, he also didn’t waste the time and was quick to get those nipple in his mouth while his one hand was playing with my other boob.

A: Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh bhaiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa keep suckinggggggggggggg, it feeeeeeelsssssss sssoooooooooo ggoooooood

I was enjoying it a lot as I was had been dry for ling period and someone was finally sucking my boobs.

As he kept sucking one nipple his other hand pushed down the other bra cup and pinch my nipple.

A: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I moaned in pleasure, as he kept sucking my boobs alternately, I was pushing his head on my boobs but now I couldn’t control myself more and pulled him up to kiss his lips.

We locked our lips again and his hands were exploring my boobs, my hand went down to hold his cock over his pants. It was rock hard and ready for action, I also took other hand to support and remove his pant buckle and push down his pant.

As I touch his cock, I felt like touching hot iron rod kept in oven, his cock would be around I started stroking his naked cock with my hands and felt the hardness growing.

He stopped kissing and looked towards me, I was looking at him with hungry eyes

W: Madam you are so sexy

He got hold of my boobs with both of his hands

W: You have such amazing pairs of boobs, big with no sag. I would keep them sucking all my life.

Saying he again start to suck my boobs, while I was stroking his cock.

His way of compliment was making a very nice effect on my arousal. Suddenly he turned me around and pushed my head against wall.

W: Now I want to see the part I was dreaming for months.

Saying this he pulled my short nighty above my waist and slapped both the ass cheeks.

A: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Spank for his rough hands on my smooth ass cheek made my pussy release more juices. He bent down and kissed those ass cheeks one by one.

W: Madam you have the best ass in the society I can bet, I was dreaming to play with this since from the first day when I saw you in tight jeans, I masturbated 4 times thinking about it.

He said and again kissed them.

A: then why don’t you take a better look.

I said in lusty tone and myself lower the panty and bought my ass to his face. He got mad with that move and buried his mouth in my ass cheeks. He keep kissing licking it and spanked.

My arousal was on peak and I really wanted to have some action so I pulled my ass in front away from his mouth. He looked at him.

A: bhaiya now please fuck me, I am so hot right now and simply cannot control.

I said in desperate tone, shredding away all my decency.

He too wanted that to happen, so pulled out my panty and kept in his pocket. Pushed my head to wall and pulled my waist backwards. Put his cock on entrance of my pussy.

A: Please put it in don’t tease me.

As I say looking towards him, he was quick to push his rod inside my burning cunt. My dripping wet cunt finally got the cock and a pleasure moan escaped my mouth

[Image: 5252-f0c9.gif]

A: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

W: Madam you are extremely wet down here, my cock went very smooth.

A: Pleaseeeeeeee now fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

He got hold of my waist and stated to fuck me, his one hand came from waist to my boobs and started playing with them. I kept moaning with his strokes, my cheeks were getting rubbed on the dirty stained wall but I was beyond caring of it and was enjoying the strokes. I bit my lips to suppress my moans as I don’t wanted it to be heard.

He took both of my hand behind and hold them with his left hand now for support I have to keep rubbing my face on the wall. I had put my tongue out to close my mouth and it was touching that stains over there and unwantedly I was getting taste of that dirt.

But the pleasure in my body was overcoming all other emotions, as he strokes increased I had an extremely strong orgasm after a very long time and I couldn’t resist to let out a loud moan.

A: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

He was quick to shut my mouth with his palm, but I licked that too. I came all over his cock which was making his moves in and out of my pussy.

He then make me turn around.

W: I want to see you while I fuck you.

A: Yes bhaiyaaaaaaaaaa

I said n kissed him and he pulled my one leg on his hand and made space for his cock to enter in my cunt. I gave him the required access and again our fucking started this time looking at each other with extreme lust in our eyes, I close my eyes and kissed his lips as he fucked me.

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We kissed for minute and then he bend down took one nipple in mouth to suck while stroking me.

That gave me another orgasm

A: Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I was getting so much of pleasure, which I was deprived all this time now. All of sudden his strokes increased and I could feel orgasm building in him.

A: Please don’t cum inside me.

I said him in requesting tone, as we were fucking without condom and he also accepted and pulled out his cock and came all over my belly, some cum even fell on bra, I kissed him as he came.

A: Thank you bhaiya for such wonderful fuck.

W: It was my pleasure to fuck a young beauty like you.

Saying he kissed me back and we kept kissing like young couple for a while and got separated.

A: I need to go now.

W: Yes madam.

I corrected my nighty pulled my bra cups and started to search for my panty. He pulled it out of his pants and I extended my hands to take it but he pulled back his hand.

W: Madam please let me keep this, it will be useful for me.

I smiled and said ok. But then idea struck me and I said

A: Wait

W: What happened madam?

A: let me thank you better.

Saying I smiled at him and removed my bra as well and hand it over to him. He was so much happy to see it and again hugged n kissed me. Now this time I pushed him and started to go out but he stopped me.

W: Let me go out first and check if someone is there.

A: Ya

So he went out and checked nobody was there as it was almost 3.30 in morning and everybody was deep asleep in their homes. I also come out, collected my robe from outside wore it and came to my flat very much happy and satisfied. My husband was sleeping like dead body, I smiled at his foolishness and slept peacefully after long time